dClinic teams up with Deloitte

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VIC Rewards
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019
Deloitte, JP Consulting and dClinic in a planning meeting

dClinic would like to take this opportunity to announce that it has formally teamed up with Deloitte and has formally retained it as its corporate advisor. Needless to say we are excited by the opportunity to work with Deloitte in helping us on our growth journey. Both parties are well aligned and see enormous opportunities for dClinic in South East Asia and will leverage each others’ respective network.

Components of dClinic ecosystem

So to all our dClinic friends and family, Deloitte is formally engaged with dClinic to accelerate the following outcomes, namely;

dClinic funding for initial initiatives and facilities in India, Indonesia and Brazil, and

dClinic funding for initiatives and facilities worldwide.

Deloitte has already held prospective discussions with potential investors who are showing a keen interest.

Deloitte’s involvement also includes building the correct business relationships, corporate structures, corporate and clinical governance including clinical services models, for each geography, which is important to get right from the outset and has been a focal point in the short term.

Furthermore, Deloitte is absolutely committed to the relationship with dClinic to help make our target markets the success we are all trying to achieve. Deloitte’s involvement will also be long-term and not just for the initial clinics.

Thank you to our community and welcome to dClinic !

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