Interning at Dcode

Dcoding HR
Published in
7 min readJan 24, 2022

Dcode had yet another cohort of virtual interns this past fall, and we are so excited to share who they are, what they learned, and any tips they have for future interns.Read more about each role below and reach out to us if you are interested in interning for Dcode!

Daisy Zhang, Junior at Cornell University, majoring in Hotel Administration

Product Development & Delivery (PD2) Intern

What’s your secret superpower? My hidden talent is being able to play “My Heart Will Go On” on the recorder. What inspired me was one Matt Mulholland’s cover.

What was your favorite project at Dcode? My favorite work at Dcode has been evaluating different customer feedback tools to help decide which one Dcode should use. There are some really cool platforms out there that help manage user feedback! I helped rate them on different dimensions to find the one that would fit Dcode’s needs the best. We ended up learning a lot and ultimately making the decision to create a tool in-house. I’m excited to be a part of the process of customizing the tool we decided on to make it the most effective for the company in the long run.

What were your biggest lessons learned during your time at Dcode? The biggest lesson I’ve learned at Dcode is learning to collaborate with people who come from all kinds of backgrounds. It is truly inspirational to hear about what kinds of careers Dcoders have led before joining this company and how their experiences shape their perspectives and the work they do. Being new to the government space, it has been meaningful for me to understand the dynamics of government by hearing first-hand about people’s careers.

What are some tips on balancing an internship with schoolwork? Set achievable, short-term goals for yourself each week so you have something to work towards. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your manager and others on the team if you face a roadblock or you have exam week at school. And also remember that everyone has different work styles! As long as it works for you and it works for everyone else, your way of doing things can work.

Evan Lenneville-Hutchinson, Senior at American University, majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communication

Marketing Intern

What’s your secret superpower? I am incredibly good at peeling oranges. Mandarins, Navel, Valencia, you name it, I can peel it. In every group, I am the person that you will hand your orange to when you need it peeled, and you need it peeled right. This skill has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life. People love oranges.

What was your favorite project at Dcode? My favorite project was helping run the Dcode Tiki event at Tiki TNT. I got free drinks, food, and Dcode merch! During the event, I checked-in guests, verified their vaccination status, and gave them wristbands, which let them order at the open bar. Ending the night in a rooftop bar surrounded by industry professionals, many of whom had not seen each other in months, reminded me why I am so glad to have this internship opportunity. Needless to say, it was a lot of fun!

What were your biggest lessons learned during your time at Dcode? Notes, notes, notes. Always take notes. Being the second person on a two-person marketing team meant I needed to maximize efficiency and reduce the number of times that information needed to be repeated. I set reminders for tasks, had multiple running notepads, and wrote down the same information in more than one place in more than one way. There are many small details that combine to create a brand’s presence, and attempting to master those details is an intentional process that has to be documented thoroughly.

What are some tips on balancing an internship with schoolwork? Set expectations with your manager, and recognize that some things aren’t life or death. There were a few times this semester where I felt the need to come in outside of my scheduled work hours, it was always of my own accord and never interfered with my schoolwork. Though it was appreciated, it was made apparent that if I didn’t complete all of my work, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Having an intentional discussion with your manager about priorities can help you recognize the purpose behind your role, figure out the best way to complete your tasks, and plan your schedule accordingly.

Joey Yu, Senior at the University of California, Berkeley, majoring in Economics and minoring in Political Economy

Tech Scouting Intern

What’s your secret superpower? My superpower is being able to memorize the lyrics to Taylor Swift’s entire new album.

What was your favorite project at Dcode? My favorite project at Dcode has been identifying different companies to target that can be potential tech clients for Dcode. I have been able to utilize many various research tools, learn about interesting companies in the startup space, and even had the opportunity to participate in conversations with them!

What were your biggest lessons learned during your time at Dcode? I learned that culture is extremely important to determining the strength of a company, and that culture really comes from the top leadership. Luckily, the people leading Dcode have been fantastic at creating a collaborative, fun, and results-oriented environment where I am happy to be a part of the team.

What are some tips on balancing an internship with schoolwork? Communication is key! Being able to talk with your manager about upcoming projects and exams is really important to making things work out; I promise you the people at Dcode will be understanding and respectful of your time.

Shreya Murthy, Junior at American University, majoring in Political Science, minoring in Information Technology

Government Intern

What’s your secret superpower? I can whistle entire movements from concertos. A favorite is Bach’s Chaconne (yes, I’m aware a lot of it is double-staffed, if not more, but I try).

What was your favorite project at Dcode? My favorite, ongoing, project at Dcode has been posting government insights on Nexus. I’ve gotten to write about industry events I’ve attended, as well as take on the government team’s monthly posts to the platform, which ultimately help our tech clients learn the space and navigate the government with more confidence. It’s been great learning to write about such a wide variety of topics that we think customers will find interesting.

What were your biggest lessons learned during your time at Dcode? The biggest lesson I’ve learned during my time at Dcode is how to navigate between a diverse range of topics and projects better. I’ve learnt the importance of getting in the right head-space for different tasks as well as not being afraid to reach out and ask for clarification or help when I need it.

What are some tips on balancing an internship with schoolwork? For me personally, it’s been great to check-in with my manager frequently for short periods of time, during which we catch-up, discuss our goals (since they do shift sometimes), and set overall expectations for the day, the week, etc.. So keeping your manager aware of anything that’s going on in your life helps inform expectations you can exceed!

Stefany Alvarado, Senior at Georgia State University, majoring in Journalism & French, minoring in Speech Communication

Talent Operations Intern

What’s your secret superpower? My secret superpower is packing a lot of clothes into small suitcases. It comes in handy when I travel!

What was your favorite project at Dcode? My favorite project at Dcode was helping prepare for our diversity, equity and inclusion workshop. The operations team and I discussed what topics would be best to cover, and we decided to focus on microaggressions and pronouns. I directly helped by doing research and creating a document discussing the implementation of pronouns in the workplace!

What were your biggest lessons learned during your time at Dcode? My biggest professional takeaway from my internship was ensuring that the work I do directly contributes to a company’s mission. When I questioned the importance or value of my work at Dcode, I sat down and thought through the ways I was contributing to our mission of connecting the tech industry and government to drive commercial innovation in the federal market. Keeping the company’s mission top of mind helps recenter the purpose of my work.

What are some tips on balancing an internship with schoolwork? My tip for other students wanting to hold an internship during the school year is to create a schedule and stick to it. Adding structure to your days will help you work efficiently and finish all your work and school assignments in a timely manner. I’d also add that it is important you communicate with your manager if you are ever struggling with a task or with your role. They are here to help you!

If you’re looking to work with an innovative team disrupting the federal market, check out our open roles here! You can also reach out to to be notified when internship applications open up or for other opportunities.

Stefany Alvarado is the fall 2021 talent operations intern, supporting talent acquisition, employee engagement, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. When she isn’t on a Zoom call or drafting documents, she can be found caring for her six chickens, three ducks, and two dogs.



Dcoding HR

Connecting the tech industry and government to drive commercial innovation in the federal market #DcodeTheGov