【1.15 Dcoin daily news】Blockchain in Africa: The next frontier

Dcoin Exchange
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2019

Africa is rising and technology is at the forefront of our growth as a continent. We have seen the explosion of the mobile space in the continent and how it has allowed a number of services and solutions to become easier. Blockchain is about to help solve a number of issues we are currently facing in the public and private sector. Pockets of blockchain innovation are fast springing up in innovation hubs across Africa, as the public and private sector alike seek effective new systems of record with trust embedded.

“Blockchain for Europe” Launched by Leading Global Blockchain Companies

Four leading global blockchain companies (EMURGO/Cardano), Fetch.AI, NEM and Ripple) have recently come together to establish an association representing blockchain originating organisations within Europe. With ‘Blockchain for Europe’, they hope to create a unified voice for the blockchain industry in Europe.

Bitcoin Became A Shelter In 2018’s Storm

Not only did BTC outperform its counterparts on the lower rungs of crypto’s lengthy ladder, but the fundamental performance of the asset’s underlying network were also impressive. As reported by NewsBTC previously, a leading industry commentator claimed that 2018 was Bitcoin’s best year yet, contrary to hit pieces pushed by mainstream media outlets. Data from both Armin and Jameson Lopp, two prominent “Bitcoiners,” accentuated this fact.



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