【1.2 Dcoin daily news】Bitcoin 2019: How Going for Tech or Profit Could Impact Growth

Dcoin Exchange
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2019

Bitcoin 2019: How Going for Tech or Profit Could Impact Growth

Though with a positive outlook of an improved crypto market in 2019, Bitcoin climbing to its all time high record could face an uphill struggle. The wrangling between the industry’s make-up of those who are into Bitcoin for profit and those who stand belief in its technology would drag the market slowly. Some would be lost between whether to sell and take profits or hold with the hope it goes even higher for better gains.

The last bull run made it obvious to some that it’s all about money-making. The subsequent prolonged market downtrend in 2018 seemingly made those who ‘hodl’ — due to their belief in the technology — to question their loyalty despite the risen price late last year. Their hope of sticking with its ability to change the world’s financial system was shaken as they watch those aiming for a get-rich-quick opportunity go in and out.



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