Dcrypt Beta Update: GDAX Trading and Portfolio Management

Patrick DePippo
Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2018

We are excited to announce that the Dcrypt platform now supports trading and portfolio management for the GDAX exchange. Users can now execute various order types (limit & market) across all GDAX trading pairs, as well as view their performance and trade history.

To get started, go to the “Connect Exchanges” tab and click the “GDAX” button. From there, follow the on screen instructions to link your API keys and sync your historic data.

GDAX is California based Coinbase’s professional grade crypto currency exchange. It is currently the 11th largest exchange by daily volume and one of the most popular exchanges for US investors looking to trade from fiat to crypto.

If you haven’t signed up already, we would love your help testing Dcrypt. Sign up on our website here: https://dcrypt.io, and we’ll alert you via email when your invite is ready.

