What’s New on Dcrypt

BitMEX, looks, research and more

Patrick DePippo
2 min readOct 15, 2018


Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a ton of new features to make Dcrypt even better. Here are the latest additions to the platform:

BitMEX Trading

As the markets went down, BitMEX volume went up. We received tons of requests to add the ability to short and trade with leverage. Now you can link your BitMEX account with API Keys and instantly start trading.

UI Overhaul

We’ve made some big changes to the overall look and feel of the platform. Not only does this give the platform a more professional look, but we’ve added additional visuals and a refreshed color palette, so information is easier to digest.

More Research Tools

To help you better understand the crypto markets, we’ve added more news topics, and refined the accuracy of our entity recognition. Hundreds of headlines are ingested each day and tagged for relevant topics and assets.

If you haven’t already, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial here: https://dcrypt.io/register. We hope you enjoy these updates — look out for more features in the coming months!

