Bringing web3 to the community:

Caro Rossi
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2022

dcSpark at the Youth European Awards

Caro Rossi, dcSpark CMO presenting at the European Youth Awards — Graz, Austria (May 2022)

First, let’s talk about us: dcSpark

dcSpark envisions becoming not only a crypto builder but also an organization that is able to explain the reason for the existence of each of our products. To do so, being able to connect to technical and non-technical audiences is fundamental.

We are a company of builders. Development is at our core. Whenever we develop a product such as Flint Wallet, aside from the technical complexity of developing a crypto wallet, we also care about how we can guide our users to not only experience our technology but also to learn about it through, for example, our Flint Wallet Guide. From crypto newcomers to experts, we design our guides to appeal to every level of expertise.

We care. For that reason, we are constantly trying to cut through barriers to make interoperability a reality. By developing our products to work in an interoperability way, we allow our community to connect with different blockchains and therefore support the expansion of the crypto ecosystem as a whole.

Our contribution to the rise of Milkomeda, an L2 protocol that provides EVM capabilities to non-EVM blockchains, is a clear example of that; Showing that our minds are set on connecting and interacting, thereby opening doors to users to build on web3, and support decentralization. In that same line all actual and future actions that we are working on to support the ecosystem (such as Milkomeda Accelerator or Milkomeda Hackathons), are thought of as a way to constantly add value to the community.

How do we explain this to web2 users?

A month ago, we were invited to join a talk about web3, and what is going on in crypto, to a set of young tech entrepreneurs at the European Youth Award conference that takes place every year in Graz, Austria.

Graz opens its doors to the top European winners of their annual competition to select the top digital solutions that are changing the continent. And so, crypto became a topic of interest not only to the European winners but also to many stakeholders that see an opportunity in everything that has to do with web3.

What was our talk about?

In the presence of policymakers, global speakers, and university researchers, I had the privilege of leading a workshop about web3 for newcomers. In this post, I wanted to share some main insights from the workshop:

  1. As a global ecosystem builder, dcSpark enhances its building capacity by understanding what the market and community needs:

To do this, we are working on an open-door policy when it comes to listening to our community. We strive to understand how to improve our products (Flint Wallet, Urbit Visor & Urbit UV) and how to add value with our tools (Fracada V1/V2, Carp, Cardano Multiverse, etc).

During the workshop, one of the points that I focused on was the reason why we work the way we do. It is not just that we are a remote-first company, but we view ourselves as an open-minded, global company. We are proud to have a team of around 40 people that come from more than 12 nations.

2. A recurring question from the audience, during the coffee break, was: Why decentralization? The answer was given in the workshop by telling some concepts that we use to explain the process of moving from web1 to web2 and from web2 to web3. To explain this, I wanted to share some simple concepts that we added to our presentation to explain how we are moving from:

Control to Openness — Building Access

Walls to Bridges — Creating Interoperability

Tracking to Privacy — Protected Data and Identity

Photo credits: WSA Official

To Finalized

dcSpark stands for “decentralized spark” and that’s exactly what my talk was about:

There is no way to understand the eventual effects of web3 without understanding its history. Consequently, there is no way to understand its history without pressing reset, going back in time, and positioning ourselves at the initial kick-off of web2.

If web1 was focused on Companies, Web2 was on the company to users and web3 is users by users. Which, basically means that we are the builders.

Some may say that web3 will naturally merge interests and economics into a decentralized experience, and others will point out that web3 is the victory of the people. Coming from a web2 world, where corporations possess all the power and control and press us to share our personal data, leading to the many problematic issues regarding privacy, web3 hints at another kind of society, a society where the people (technically skilled developers), build the bridges for users to access another, better, kind of internet — a decentralized, open, transparent world.

For this to happen we need to build in a decentralized way. To learn more about what we spoke about and how we are trying to build bridges between our different audiences, we invite you to watch the Youth European Awards Workshop (shorten) video at this link.



Caro Rossi
Writer for

Business | Tech | Journalist. Co-founder & CEO @irockcl. I write about innovation, gender, and media. #Feminist @carorossi