Spotlight on the #DCSW17 Founder Track

Steven A. Rodriguez
Techstars DC Startup Week
3 min readAug 31, 2017


In case you missed our big announcement a few weeks ago, registration for the annual DC Startup Week is OPEN with a diverse schedule of events across six programming tracks. To help you build your schedule, we’ll be shining a spotlight on each track, as well as several other exciting areas of programs, leading up to this year’s event September 11th through 15th.

We’re going to kick things off with the co-organizer and Founder Track Captain Rachel Koretsky.

Rachel Koretsky

Rachel Koretsky is founder and CEO of upace. In 2014, Rachel began designing and developing the unique and powerful upace app and mobile platform to help recreational centers and gyms improve operations and member loyalty. Simultaneously, Rachel is helping to organize DC Startup Week 2017. If you’re interested in real-time data and member interactions that boost usage, retention, and operational efficiency for your recreation center or gym, you should reach out to Rachel.

How did you get involved in DSCW?

I was looking to get further involved with the DC startup community to meet and support other entrepreneurs. When I saw a post about DC Startup Week, I immediately reached out to the planning team.

Does the Founder Track have a theme or particular area of focus this year?

Yes, definitely. This year the founder track is primarily focused on helping entrepreneurs develop and scale their startup. The founders participating in DCSW’s know how challenging and difficult it can be to scale a startup. We have our own experiences that we want to share with other entrepreneurs and the open dialogue and advice will be valuable.

What are the “can’t-miss” sessions in your track?

How To Talk Tech” (September 9/11 at 2pm) — What’s your stack? What frameworks are you using? What APIs are you working with? Upon entering the world of tech startups, you’re immersed in new terminology of coding languages, software tools, and development methodologies. We’ll discuss key terms that will help you hire developers, talk to investors, and grow your tech business. At the end of this talk, we will open up for Q&A to talk about any issues specific to your business.

How To Get the Most Out of An Accelerator” (September 9/11 at 4:15pm) — Startup accelerators have helped thousands of companies build their business, but how do you get the most out of an accelerator? Join Natty Zola, MD for Techstars Boulder, for a session discussing accelerators and how to get the most out of them.

How To Be Mentally Stable During Unstable Times” (September 9/13 at 8:30am) — This session is designed to help the participants learn real life mental skills in order stay focused and confident through the ups and downs the start up process. These strategies are applicable for the real world of business, and can be continually practiced so that we get better and better at them.

Soul Cycle Community Rides” (September 9/13 at 4:30pm) — Join us for a 45 minute Soul Cycle class and networking at 2301 M St NW, Washington, DC 20037 *This class is open to all as long as you register by September 5th *Showers included at Soul Cycle

What advice would you give someone who is attending DCSW for the first time?

DCSW is a week to put yourself out there to learn and grow as an entrepreneur. Attend an event in another industry, introduce yourself to someone new, sign up for mentor hours, and much more. You never know who you will meet and how it can help you grow your business.

Any parting wisdom for someone attending Founder Track sessions?

If you plan on attending founder track sessions, make sure to come prepared to network, listen and ask questions. The sessions are filled with founders from different backgrounds, startup ideas, and experiences so take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from one another.

Learn more and register for the DC Startup Week celebration at

