Six Reasons Your CX Is Broken

Mark Levy
DCX Newsletter
Published in
10 min read5 days ago

Think your CX is rock solid?

Hey, I get it-there’s a lot to juggle. Between hitting metrics, managing budgets, and keeping up with tech trends, it’s easy to think we’re doing enough.

But the truth is, no matter how polished your dashboards look or how snazzy your metrics are, chances are good that you’re still dropping the ball.

How do I know?

Because I’ve been there-on both sides of the equation.

Let me tell you a story.

But this time, I was caught in a loop of transfers and hold music that felt like the longest 20 minutes of my life.

The best part? I was calling their ‘loyalty’ department. Oh, the irony.

After three transfers and no solution in sight, I gave up.

I’d rather let them overcharge me than deal with the hassle.

And if you think I’m an isolated case, think again.

It’s happening everywhere-especially in organizations that pride themselves on ‘excellent’ customer experiences.

Sound familiar?

It’s a symptom of a much bigger problem plaguing customer experience efforts everywhere.

As CX professionals, we are often so focused on improving processes, hitting our metrics, or rolling out the latest tech that we forget the one thing that matters most-the customer.

So, what are we getting wrong?

Here’s what’s really hurting the customer experience, and it’s got little to do with your KPIs.

1. You’re Fixated on Metrics, Not Experience

CX teams love their dashboards.

CSAT, NPS, CES-sure, they look nice in quarterly reports.

Years ago, I had a client who was thrilled with their NPS-consistently in the 70s.

They celebrated every quarter. But when they dug deeper, they found churn was at 20% within three months of a purchase.

Turns out, the quick fixes they were patting themselves on the back for? They were just band-aids on problems customers were too polite to mention in a survey.

You might be hitting your metrics, but are you listening to the full story your customers are telling?

Metrics don’t show frustration bubbling just below the surface-or loyalty that’s hanging by a thread.

You’re too focused on the wrong win.

How to Fix it:

  • Forget the numbers for a minute.
  • Instead, walk in your customer’s shoes.
  • Sit in on an actual customer call, or better yet, go through the same journey yourself.
  • Look for moments of frustration that the data doesn’t reveal. Is there a recurring issue that keeps being “fixed” but never actually resolved?
  • Address the root problem, not just the surface symptoms.
  • And while you’re at it, find ways to engage customers beyond just surveys-real conversations can reveal insights no metric will ever show.

2. You’re Making Customers Repeat Themselves — And They Hate It

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re shouting into the void.

And yet, that’s exactly what happens when your customer has to explain their issue to three different agents before anyone actually listens.

I had this exact experience not long ago.

By the third agent, I was so tired of explaining my problem that I almost hoped they’d drop the call.

It’s like Groundhog Day, but it’s just pain and frustration instead of Bill Murray.

When customers feel ignored, they don’t just lose trust-they lose patience. And once their patience runs out, so does their loyalty.

Every time you make a customer repeat themselves, you’re telling them, “We don’t care enough to remember you.”

Think about that.

Is that the message you’re trying to send?

How to Fix it:

  • Start with unified customer data.
  • Ensure that whoever is on the call has the full history at their fingertips.
  • Invest in systems that log previous interactions so no customer ever has to repeat themselves.
  • Train your teams to look at past notes and understand the context of the customer’s issue before they even answer the phone.
  • Make follow-through a core part of your training-your customers want to feel like you know them, not like you’re meeting them for the first time on every call.

3. You’re Forgetting the Personal Touch

Loyalty is a two-way street.

So why do so many companies treat long-time customers like they’re just another faceless name on a spreadsheet?

That’s a decade of brand loyalty.

But when she called for help, she got the same canned responses everyone else gets-no recognition of her loyalty, no personal touch.

You might think you’re doing fine by treating everyone equally, but news flash: equal doesn’t mean good.

If a customer who’s stuck with you through thick and thin doesn’t feel any different from a new sign-up, don’t be surprised when they’re gone before you know it.

You’re losing your best customers because you’re too busy chasing new ones.

The worst part? You don’t even realize it until it’s too late.

How to Fix it:

  • Start treating loyal customers like the VIPs they are.
  • Set up loyalty programs that offer real value-priority service, early access to new products, or even just personalized thank you notes.
  • Train your teams to recognize repeat customers and reward them with meaningful gestures, not just automated perks.
  • Most importantly, track their preferences, purchases, and past issues to make every interaction personalized.

Customers who feel seen and valued are much more likely to stick around.

4. You’re Afraid to Be Human

Look, I get it-consistency is key.

But here’s the thing: nobody wants to talk to a robot.

If your frontline teams are hiding behind canned responses and strict scripts, your customers will notice. And trust me, they won’t like it.

People can smell insincerity a mile away. And in a world of endless options, they won’t stick around if they don’t feel heard.

You hang up, not because the issue wasn’t solved, but because you felt like a number in their system.

Your perfectly polished scripts are killing your connection.

If your team sounds like a robot, your customers will treat you like one-and guess what? Robots don’t earn loyalty.

How to Fix it:

  • Give your team the freedom to be human.
  • Scripts have their place, but they should never replace genuine conversation.
  • Train your agents to use empathy as their guide.
  • Encourage them to listen carefully, respond authentically, and tailor their approach to each customer’s mood and situation.
  • Equip them with the confidence to solve problems creatively without running to a script for every little interaction.

Trust me, a little flexibility and humanity go a long way in CX.

5. You’re Overcomplicating Everything

Your CX processes are supposed to make life easier for your customers, not confuse them.

Yet, too many CX teams overload customers with complicated journeys, excessive steps, or too many options.

I’ve seen companies roll out new tech or programs with the best intentions, only to create a labyrinth of choices that overwhelm and frustrate customers.

Recently, I tried to cancel a subscription online.

You’d think it’d be a quick task. Instead, I was hit with a maze of offers, redirects, and ‘Are you sure?’ pop-ups.

By the end of it, I was so irritated I almost reconsidered canceling-almost.

When your processes are harder to navigate than they should be, you’re sending your customers a clear message:

We don’t care about your time. And trust me, customers are listening.

Your customers don’t have the patience for a wild goose chase.

If you make it hard for them to accomplish simple tasks, they’ll walk away and won’t look back.

How to Fix it:

  • Streamline everything.
  • Start by auditing your customer journeys-identify where friction exists and why.
  • Eliminate unnecessary steps and simplify decision-making points.
  • Ask yourself: how many clicks, confirmations, or options do your customers really need?
  • Always err on the side of fewer choices and cleaner navigation.

Remember, customers value their time as much as they value your service. The easier you make it for them, the more loyal they’ll be in the long run.

6. You’re Giving Customers Mixed Signals

Customers expect seamless experiences across every channel-whether they’re emailing, chatting, or calling your support team.

But too often, they’re met with wildly different experiences depending on the touchpoint.

The website gives one answer, the app says another, and the phone support offers something completely different.

Nothing frustrates customers more than feeling like they’re spinning a roulette wheel whenever they interact with your brand.

It’s like walking into the same store three times, asking three different employees the same question, and getting three completely different answers.

By the end, you’re more confused than when you started. That’s what it feels like when your channels don’t communicate.

Inconsistent channel experiences create friction and confusion. Your customers want continuity, not chaos.

How to Fix it:

  • Start by aligning all your channels under one unified strategy.
  • Make sure every team is working from the same playbook, whether they’re handling chat, social media, or phone support.
  • Implement systems that allow for centralized customer information so the team has a clear view of the customer’s history and preferences no matter where the interaction happens.
  • Regularly audit your channels to ensure that the information, tone, and solutions are consistent across the board.

Customers don’t care about your internal silos. They want consistency, so give it to them.

So, How Are You Failing Your Customers?

Here’s the deal: Your CX isn’t just a department. It’s your whole business.

Every touchpoint, every interaction, every moment-it all matters. You’re either creating fans or creating enemies. There’s no middle ground.

Remember, in a world where everyone’s selling the same stuff, the experience is your only real differentiator.

So stop messing around and start delivering. Your customers are waiting, and they’re not going to wait forever.

Be honest.

Take a hard look at your processes, your metrics, and, most importantly, your interactions.

The answer to how you’re failing isn’t in your dashboards. It’s in the emails you leave unanswered, the calls you transfer, and the customers you treat like metrics.

Your customers deserve better-and deep down, you know it.

So stop focusing on the numbers and start focusing on the humans behind them.

They’re telling you exactly what they need.

The only question is: are you listening?

So what’s it going to be?

Are you going to keep half-heartedly pushing your meaningless metrics and lousy processes, or are you going to step up and actually deliver experiences that matter?

The clock’s ticking-your move.

Now, go out there and crush it. And for heaven’s sake, be human.

The Future of CX

Forget the AI and VR hype — real CX isn’t about chasing the next shiny thing. It’s about nailing the basics and doing them right. Here’s what the future really looks like:

  1. Predictive Service: Fix problems before they happen. It’s not magic. It’s just paying attention.
  2. Real Personalization: Not just “Hey [First Name]” junk. Actually know your customers.
  3. Seamless Everything: Online, offline, whatever. It should all work together, period.
  4. Emotional Intelligence: How customers feel is everything. Start caring about how they feel. It matters.
  5. Values Matter: People care about more than just your product. Stand for something or get left behind.

The future of CX is about showing up for your customers where it counts.

So, how well are you mastering the basics?

Are you listening, caring, and delivering experiences that make customers feel seen and heard?

It’s time to step up and stop hiding behind the data.

Your customers deserve better — are you ready to deliver?

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I want to share some of the exciting content and programs that I have created for your personal and professional growth:

NEW: A CX Leader’s Guide to Organizational Buy-in Discover how to foster a customer-centric culture across your entire organization.

Download the Free Guide

30 Days to Greater Influencea FREE email course crafted specifically for customer-obsessed leaders like us.

DCX Executive Coaching — 1:1 coaching for customer-obsessed leaders (Mention DCX for 50% off the first three months)

The Daily Challenge SMS Service — Daily text messages designed to uplift your spirit, remind you of your worth, and inspire you to keep going, no matter what. — 7-Day FREE Trial

365 Days of Accountability — Accountability Books, Journals, and Exercises

I hope you find these programs useful. Let me know if you have any questions or need any further assistance.

Originally published at

