DCX Rice launches tender feature

Rue Swabey
Digital Commodity Exchange
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

DCX Rice has introduced new functionality that allows buyers of large volumes of rice — typically more than 20,000 tonnes — to purchase via tender. The new feature allows buyers, purchasing consortia, big industrials and institutional buyers to procure their rice requirements using single or global origin tenders. The tendering party can choose to advertise its tender to all users of the digital platform or to send it to a pre-approved list of counterparties. DCX Rice also caters for tenders run as Dutch auctions in which the price decreases incrementally from the starting price at regular intervals.

Tenders account for an estimated 20% of the 43 million metric tonnes of rice transacted every year internationally. Agribusiness, food retailers, state grain buyers and aid agencies rely on tenders to procure large volumes of rice from across the globe. Tenders are useful to secure rice supplies quickly in times of famine or natural disaster. Several Asian and Middle Eastern countries, which depend on rice for food security, buy most of their rice requirements by way of tender and provisions for such purchases are often made in the national budget.

However, the tender process is cumbersome, document-heavy and costly. Notice of a tender is published in a trade gazette and interested parties must file the required documents and post a performance bond within the stipulated time frame. Conversely, a tender held on DCX Rice can be arranged quickly and attract a wide range of suppliers with the added advantages of quality control, price discovery and an immutable audit trail.

DCX Rice COO and co-founder, Frank Gouverne, explains the benefits of the tender function: “It offers large buyers speed, agility and cost efficiencies. The open nature of the tender mechanism means that buyers achieve price discovery adding confidence to the tender process. Once the tender is completed buyers enjoy full visibility on cargo preparation via the daily inspection reports from the first-class independent inspection companies that are integrated on the platform.

Industriales del Arroz de Costa Rica (Indarroz), which accounts for 70% of Costa Rica’s rice industry, will hold its next tender on DCX Rice. Antonio Martinez Fonseca, Executive Director of Indarroz, points out the benefits of a digital tender for his organisation: “Our rice industry has an excellent opportunity to improve the way to do business with the DCX Rice platform which marks a break with the traditional manner of doing business. In my opinion, the platform will facilitate the digital management of our purchases in one place, all done in a virtual environment and I must add that the dashboard alerts are great.”

DCX Rice digital platform has been designed and built to enable rice buyers and sellers and third parties to trade rice in an efficient, cost-effective and secure way. The blockchain-enabled platform allows participants to interact and settle trades through a permissioned, smart contract solution that integrates buyers, sellers and service providers. It increases trust, reduces risk and delivers cost savings to the rice industry, benefiting all actors involved in the trade of this important foodstuff.

Prospective bidders interested in the Indarroz tender and buyers wishing to initiate a tender should contact us for more information at rodolpho.koch@dcx.group



Rue Swabey
Digital Commodity Exchange

Communicator interested in clean tech and sustainability