Drone Employee at Interdrone 2017

Vitaly Bulatov
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017

InterDrone is one of the biggest events where drone pilots, UAS engineers and developers, commercial drone service businesses, UAV manufacturers, drone videographers and enterprise UAV end-users get together to exchange experience and make business deals.

The exhibition hall was filled with 185 companies who provide hardware, software and additional services for the drone industry. 3,500+ attendees attended the event and Drone Employee booth was a hot attraction!

Drone Employee booth

In 3 days Drone Employee booth was a hot attraction at the conference. People were willing to learn how they can hire drones directly and make them generate revenue completely on their own.

We focused our marketing efforts on just one use case — autonomous drone filming! And pilots were excited to find out how they can start a fully autonomous drone business that generates a stable income for them without the need to look for clients and travel all over the city or even state! Our tests in the American Paintball Park and Pier 39 in San Francisco served as a reference point for people to come up with their own ideas of how and where they could use Drone Employee.

Moreover, we noticed an increased interest for drone security monitoring service. Conference attendees were speaking about hospital, warehouse, field and forest protection and even airport security monitoring! This use case is something we are going to explore in more detail, especially after we saw such a string demand for this market direction.

Overview of other companies on the conference

Intel had a very strong presence on the conference this year. The CEO of the company, Brian Krzanich, was co-opening the conference with Michael Huerta, Administrator of the FAA. The company announced new product and is continuing its efforts in the commercial drone market.

Intel Falcon 8+

Intel Insights Platform is a cloud-based data processing, analytics and reporting service. It uses Artificial Intelligence to bring actionable data to the customers. At this point of time it is only available to select enterprise clients but Intel has a big vision for this product. It is an important step for Intel on the commercial drone market and a good addition to their Falcon 8+ hardware.

Other drone manufacturers also had a strong presence at the conference. ProDrone showed their “claw”-enabled drone which is capable to take and carry items. And GDU-Tech showed a very strong competition to DJI with their BYRD drone.

Final remarks

You can see that commercial drone industry matures. Drones stopped being a cool, new technology as people are getting used to them being in the air all the time. Now everybody is interested to see real-life business cases of how drones can be used in business. And pilots are looking for convenient ways to maximize their profit. Those are good signs for Drone Employee as we have an answer for how to use autonomous drones to build a recurring business!

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Or read this series of blog posts describing our vision:



Vitaly Bulatov

Product innovator and entrepreneur passionate about bringing autonomous robotics and IoT solutions to market.