Drone Employee completes environmental inspection tests!

Vitaly Bulatov
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2018
DJI Matrice 100 with Libelium sensor powered by Drone Employee software

We are exited to share our progress with you! Today we have successfully tested a service for collecting air quality information with a fully autonomous Drone Employee!

We are proud to work together with the team of DAO IPCI, to provide a solution for smart cities to track negative externalities. The use of autonomous drones powered by Drone Employee´s software allows to collect accurate information about air quality in specific locations and times to regulate natural capital markets. And the use of Robonomics network gives us a unique opportunity to automate carbon markets, environmental assets and liabilities!

How we collect data in smart cities

The goal of this test was to do an environmental inspection of a waste dump. But inspection services can be used for any data collection in a smart city. When the Drone Employee-powered drone station is installed, any agency can use shared drones whenever they need them. For example, when a fire breaks out, a drone can be called automatically through a smart contract to see which harmful chemicals the smoke contains. We can install multiple sensors and other equipment to collect arial data any important information in a smart city.

The tests were conducted in the outskirts of Saint Petersburg over a garbage dump. We used a DJI Matrice 100 drone with a Libelium sensor attached to it. The sensor is capable of detecting NO, CO, CO2, CH4, SO2, as well as temperature, humidity and pressure. The coordinates of the test location have also been saved along with the air quality information. The drone has an 4G modem on board allowing it to fly beyond visual line of sight and have constant connection.

The drone went on an autonomous mission, reached the necessary location and did the air pollution measurements. It then turned back and returned to the landing station. The data collected by the Libelium sensor was automatically uploaded to a distributed file system (IPFS), smart city officials can use it immediately.

More to come

Our software solutions continues to evolve as we continue to gain expertise on the Unmanned Aircraft Service (UAS) market. The use of distributed technologies improves efficiency of operations and cybersecurity, while the blockchain technology allows us to make drones autonomous not only in operational sense, but also economically.

We continue to develop solutions for smart city developers to use autonomous drones. Our fleet management software can power a drone sharing service for many use cases, from aerial filming to data collection and even aerial taxi service.

If you are a smart city developer and want to use drones in your business or want to integrate blockchain components in your drone software, feel free to contact us on our website!



Vitaly Bulatov

Product innovator and entrepreneur passionate about bringing autonomous robotics and IoT solutions to market.