What is blockchain storage? Four advantages must be known!

Storage is not a new word. With the rapid development of Internet technology, enterprise storage and cloud storage have become the standard for people’s work and life. At the same time, with the development and maturity of blockchain technology, the advantages and characteristics of blockchain storage have begun to receive attention.

Blockchain storage refers to a decentralized storage system built with blockchain incentives, which is an effective combination of blockchain and storage systems. Blockchain storage pools storage nodes around the world into a large, global, globally shared storage pool. “ Storage is a real economy in the form of digital, and the process of winding up can be completely controlled by code. Moreover, distributed storage can enhance data reliability, availability, remote disaster tolerance, etc. by spreading data in multiple places.

From a storage perspective, there are currently four main types of storage in the industry: desktop storage, enterprise storage, cloud storage, and blockchain storage : “ The development process from desktop storage to cloud storage is the process of continuously improving data reliability. The reliability of a single hard disk encounters multiple bottle hard disks (desktop to enterprise) when the bottleneck is encountered, and the reliability of a single server is encountered. bottleneck with multiple servers (enterprise-class cloud storage). “ Wang Donglin said it developed to block chain store, it is due to the reliability of a single data center encountered a bottleneck, so he uses multiple data centers to store data On the tens of millions of nodes around the world, the reliability of data is further improved, and it is absolutely safe and reliable in the commercial sense.

The Economic Daily reporter learned that compared with enterprise storage and cloud storage, the advantages of blockchain storage are mainly reflected in four aspects:

First, the reliability is higher . Blockchain storage stores data to tens of millions of nodes around the world. It is not a multi-copy mode, but a more advanced redundant coding mode. This effectively avoids the negative effects of a single point of failure. Only in this one disk failure, the reliability of storage block chain higher than the cloud storage 10 of the 64 th times, the integrated high reliability least 1 times or more.

Second, the availability of services is higher , and blockchain storage also increases availability by spreading the load across nodes. In terms of service availability, blockchain storage is at least 100 million times more expensive than cloud storage .

Third, the lower cost and the low cost of blockchain storage are that blockchain technology has a good ability to solve the problem of removing data repetition rate, and reduces the cost by 5 to 10 times through data de-duplication . At the same time, blockchain storage can reduce data redundancy and reduce costs. In addition, the construction cost of each storage node is also low. According to reports, the edge node architecture adopted by the blockchain has a lower demand for hardware than the cost of building a centralized data storage center.

It is worth mentioning that, industry experts have pointed to the edge of the storage system block chain does not require special cooling. The cooling of a centralized data storage center requires a dedicated refrigeration system, and the energy consumption of this refrigeration system is about 0.5 to 1 times that of the server , which results in a large amount of energy consumption. The edge nodes of the blockchain can be naturally cooled as storage minerals.

Fourth, the disaster-tolerance is stronger in different places . For the traditional centralized storage, the two centers in the two places are the highest level of disaster recovery, and the construction cost is high. This is also the disaster tolerance rate of many large enterprises and institutions in the world. One of the reasons for being very low. However, the “Thousands of Centers” feature of blockchain storage can significantly improve the level of disaster tolerance, and turn the “disaster disaster” of luxury goods into a standard storage.

It should be noted that in centralized storage, enterprises use internal controls to keep data confidential. However, in blockchain storage, data is distributed globally, and confidentiality cannot be solved by internal control, so data must be encrypted. In this regard , Wang Donglin said that the core technology of blockchain storage lies in distributed architecture technology and cryptography technology. In his view, combining the seemingly contradictory technologies of encryption and deduplication will become the decisive advantage for China’s blockchain projects to break out from the world.

At the same time, you should also see the opportunities that 5G technology may bring to blockchain storage. Wang Donglin said: “Blockchain technology has many advantages, but there is an obvious shortcoming: performance bottleneck. Centralized storage far exceeds blockchain storage in performance. With the advent of 5G era, 5G technology has high performance. The rate and low-latency characteristics will greatly improve the performance of the blockchain and improve the performance of the blockchain due to storage. From another perspective, blockchain storage with a large number of nodes, large data volume, and large traffic volume is also the same. It is the ‘killer’ application of 5G technology.”

At present, which enterprises or platforms are at the forefront in blockchain data storage?

In 2019 , a decentralized data asset management platform, DDAM (Decentralised Data Asset Management) , appeared in the blockchain industry .On October 4th , the DDAM public chain was launched . Currently, the market value is about 36 worldwide . Using the Spoc consensus algorithm, lower energy consumption, lower threshold, and truly decentralized features, the goal is to become a global digital asset management platform. Build a stable and trustworthy infrastructure. In the future, data will be the most important means of production. Because of the problem of data sovereignty, more data will be stored in a decentralized storage platform that can protect data privacy.

The existing data silo situation between enterprises will be broken. Blockchain technology will reconstruct the credit society, decentralized data asset management that can maintain data sovereignty will become the strategic consensus of the world’s leading enterprises and the popularity of artificial intelligence machine learning will further magnify the enterprise’s desire for data asset management!

It can be said that in the era of data sovereignty! Who can better manage decentralized data assets. Whoever has the key to understanding and mastering data sovereignty in the future.

This article is written by one of of our valued community members : @kerwinpnet

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