DDDUnitedStates.com Launched

John Connolly
DDD US Times
Published in
Sep 21, 2023

There is a lot to talk about, but the main thing we want to say is dddunitedstates.com is up and running and in a mode of growing now.

Please come back often and take a look at how we are helping enterprises and people build systems that last. Yes. We want to end the conceptual idea that all systems must turn into legacy or big balls of mud. There are systems today that never turn into legacy. We want this to be the norm. You can help. Take time to look at the site and consider signing up for updates and more.

There is more to come. Stay tuned!

Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash



John Connolly
DDD US Times

Domain-Driven Design Consultant. Passionately helping domain experts, architects and developers understand domain models improving product delivery.