A Brand New series

A series of simple & effective design tips for any business, entrepreneur or marketing manager, which you can follow & implement or dictate to your design team to succeed in your business and get brand new results.

De Daniel de Boer
4 min readMar 28, 2018


Why for you

What’s in it for you when it comes to design? When you create your business, what are the basic design elements to think of? And how do you create and optimise them without spending a fortune on time and money? Want to level up as a business? Then learn how to use design to your benefit instead of treating design as an afterthought.

Creating and running a business, its strategy and branding; the pressure of constantly having to perform in your sales and meeting your short-term and long-term KPI’s; it’s almost impossible to find the time to also think about purposeful, effective design. Why is this important anyway? If you know the answer to that question, then you’re already further ahead then most. But many entrepreneurs know just part of that answer, which makes sense, because you are stacked keeping your business running in the first place.

Why for me

My passion has always been design. And I do not mean design as in putting pixels on different parts of the screen in different colors. Sure, that too. I love making logo’s or rebrand an existing website with a refreshing, beautiful and most of all result-driven design. I mean ‘Design’, with a capital D. Because Design is in everything. It’s in nature, flowers, animals. It’s in your furniture, in your car, in your food. It’s in the infrastructure around you, in the plans your municipality has for the new neighbourhood park or what to do for the environment in 2022.

It’s in your business vision, marketing plans, KPI’s. It’s in you and how you think. You designed your vision, haven’t you? Maybe you just written it down quickly, have piles of paper about it or maybe it’s only in your head: all design.

Capital D

Why and how are you doing what? From the fundamentals to practical pixels on your screen. From the red line through the heart of your business to the colors, typography and margins in your website’s header. It all matters and only you know how to mix and match the billions of combinations to get the results you need.

“Sure, with a million bucks and 2 years of time… I don’t have that.”, many say. Let me tell you something: “You don’t need that.” But you do need to get aware and implement to get results. Learn how to implement simple and effective design elements from a designers perspective, without it taking up your valuable time and money as an entrepreneur. Some tips will reap immediate results, some will have to incubate or iterate to longer-term results. Result-driven design in every part of your organisation is called design thinking and is invaluable to succeed in the modern-day age of market disruption and saturation. Stand out.

For all you small to medium size businesses, solo entrepreneurs, marketing managers and any person communicating with designers (in-house, freelancers and/or agency’s): You may think practical design is beneath you or too little to spend any time on. You may think it’s for ‘the creatives’. But without you, your intended communication and beautiful structured marketing plans do not happen at all. Without general knowledge about fundamental design principles, you as a business cannot communicate and you won’t know if you or your design team is doing the right thing. Even more, gather knowledge about design thinking, and you can reshape the source of your communication, your business fundamentals, into ways only seen by large known corporations like Apple or Amazon. All with the same goal as theirs: results.

Brand New

A series of simple & effective design tips for any business, entrepreneur or marketing manager, which you can follow & implement or dictate to your design team to succeed in your business and get brand new results.

Let me show you how invaluable that knowledge really is, follow Brand New and sign up for the newsletter. Throughout the month I will write up tips which will hopefully help you along your way. To stay on top, I like to read a ton of information every day, so if you choose to subscribe to Brand New I’ll even select and throw in the most usefull third-party tips I stumble upon.

I promise, no spam & valuable content only. And hey, it’s free.

Cheers, De Daniel de Boer



De Daniel de Boer
Editor for

Pushing more than pixels @ DDDB. Imagineer & idealist. ♥ Vino Panda’s Apple Tech Travel Music. I am #notadesigner, but I am.