Ledger Support — Setting up your Ledger Nano S on DDEX

Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2018

Trading using your Ledger has been one of the most requested features. We are very excited to announce that DDEX now supports Ledger Nano S!

Setting up your Ledger to work on DDEX is easy. This should only take a minute or two. Note that Ledger Support currently only works within the Google Chrome and Opera browsers.

While viewing the trade interface on DDEX, you can select your current digital wallet (currently MetaMask or Ledger) in the top right hand corner of the screen. If you have both a MetaMask and a ledger account, you can switch between them there. Otherwise it will show a visual icon for which you have selected.

Four steps to set up your Ledger Nano S on DDEX

1. Enter Your Pin Code

First, you need to unlock your ledger by entering your personal pin into your ledger device.

2. Select the Ethereum App

Scroll to and select the “Ethereum App” section on your ledger device. Select Settings.

3. Set Browser Support and Contract Data to “Yes”

Under “Settings”, set the “Browser Support” and “Contract Data” options to “Yes”.

4. Select Your Ledger Account in DDEX

In the top righthand corner for the DDEX trade interface, you can select your current account. If you only have a Ledger and no other compatible accounts, it will automatically load your Ledger account.

You’re all set!

After selecting your ledger account, you can start trading right away:

Quick steps to start trading using your Ledger

Note: When making any transaction on DDEX, you will need to approve the transaction on your ledger device. DDEX will prompt you when this is required.

It’s time to place your first order using Ledger :-)

Go to DDEX: https://ddex.io/?scmedium

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Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards

The DDEX Team



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DDEX is the first decentralized exchange built on Hydro Protocol technology, offering instant order matching with secure on-chain settlement. https://ddex.io/