In This Together

DDIY Studio
DDIY Studio
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2020

While we continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation around COVID-19, we wanted to share the precautionary measures we are taking to ensure the health and safety of our team members. As we recognise that our resident members continue to rely on us to deliver services and products into homes during this trying period, this also becomes part of our business continuity plan.

DDIY shall implement these new guidelines in preparation for widespread community transmission:

  • If the below situation arises, employees are required to notify Human Resources and take the appropriate action according to the table below:
  • Suspend any meeting/training that comprises of more than 5 employees at once.
  • Supply sanitizers, masks and gloves to all Personal Managers.

All employees are instructed to:

A) Monitor their temperature regularly.

B) Report to supervisor if feeling unwell, then see a doctor and stay away from colleagues or residents.

C) Stay home when sick.

D) Cover their mouth with tissue paper when cough or sneezing and dispose of the tissue into the rubbish bin immediately.

E) Wear gloves while performing housekeeping and handling dirty laundry and trash during home sessions.

F) Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

G) Avoid touching your face with your hand or soiled gloves.

H) Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

I) If soap and water are unavailable, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.

DDIY has been a trusted home concierge for our communities. Through this challenging and difficult period, we stay committed to being the home assistant that our resident members can rely on to provide services and products into homes safely.



DDIY Studio
DDIY Studio

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