Craig Newmark Philanthropies helps us build The Correspondent with $100,000 in funding

The money will allow us to hire an editor in chief

Ernst-Jan Pfauth
The Correspondent


After my cofounder Rob Wijnberg and I arrived in New York last week, we have some more really exciting news to share with you: Craig Newmark Philanthropies has generously agreed to help build The Correspondent with $100,000 in funding.

This money will allow us to hire an editor in chief before we launch our journalism platform with a member campaign.

The contribution will be managed by Media Development Investment Fund, The Correspondent’s fiscal sponsor. We’re grateful for the trust these organizations have placed in us and for their support of our journalistic mission. We feel very welcome in the US!

Promoting trustworthy journalism

Craig Newmark Philanthropies’ mission is to promote trustworthy journalism and a free press — a mission we very much share — so we saw them as a perfect organization to turn to as we lay the groundwork for The Correspondent.

The $100,000 contribution will help us take the first steps towards building a diverse team, including hiring an editor in chief. That editor in chief will be charged with bringing together a team that incorporates a wide range of voices from around the world. Our philosophy is not to correct for diversity after launch, but to build it in from the start.

Speaking about the decision to contribute, Craig Newmark said:

“The Correspondent is about trustworthy journalism, and it is working toward a new normal where news consumers, like me, can expect news that we can trust.”

Earlier this year, the private nonprofit Dutch Democracy and Media Foundation supported us with €600,000.

So now we begin the search for The Correspondent’s editor in chief!

If you have suggestions for our first editor in chief, please let us know. I’m @ejpfauth on Twitter, or you can email me at

To learn more about membership models in journalism, please visit the site of our joint research project with NYU and Jay Rosen:

