D.L.C. The Encinitas Podcast

de las Carnitas
Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2016

de las Carnitas has been a work in progress for decades. Since the first time I met J.T. and Darius in the chaotic hallways of Oak Crest Jr. High School we have since gathered as a trio to talk story. Usually in a garage, at the beach, rolling around an empty parking lot, or over a few pints at one of the few remaining watering holes left that do not enforce bottle service and a dress code. Each time we have gathered the theme has been clear… we grew up in an amazing town during, what we feel was, the tail end of the golden era of our corner of California, known as Encinitas.

The whimpering end of an era when there were still countless acres of unchecked open spaces to build forts, BMX jumps, and mini ramps; find owl pellets, arrow heads, and red tail hawk nests; catch rattle snakes, grunion, halibut, and lobster; ride horses and motorcycles; climb “the Root” for isolation and the roof of the Y for a swim; jump cliffs into Box Canyon, jump trestles into the lagoons on either end of our town; skate trenches during the day and grind slappy curbs into the wee hours of the foggy nights.

During one of our recent hang outs J.T. floated the idea of creating a podcast of our reflections by recording the times we meet up and talk story. All three of us listen to a wide range of podcasts and have been cautiously optimistic with the idea since it was first pitched. I know that freedom of speech is of paramount importance in our society, but I am also a realist. The stories we have and tales we tell are not always for general consumption. Those who know me well know that self-censorship is not my strongest attribute when surrounded by friends and a few pints. I think it is safe to say that Darius and J.T. suffer from similar social ailments. After much hesitation and deliberation we felt it was time…. we brought a laptop to a gathering and hit record. It was fun, real, not for general consumption… more of a proof of concept than anything. So we recorded another, then another…. before we knew it Darius had purchased a H4n recorder and shit got real…. so here we are. The blog has now merged into a podcast. Our description is as follows…

Cardiff+Encinitas = Carnitas. Three dudes living here, commenting incessantly in 2016 about how much change is accelerating lately, remembering back to a different time, not that long ago. Lots of stories, smiles, and gripes. Light bulb over JT’s head… pull it into a podcast and share. So join us — Oly, JT, and Darius as we journey through a people’s history of Encinitas.

So, if you feel like hearing some stories, have a long commute to work, are legally insane, or just bored out of your mind…. then check us out. We are on SoundCloud and iTunes. You can find us on any Podcast app by searching “de las Carnitas,” or “Encinitas podcast.” We are planning on releasing a new podcast every other week. Most are recorded in J.T.’s office on 101 while overlooking the carnage of last-call rallies and devolved mating rituals amongst the intoxicated masses. Many times we have a guest on our show, usually a person we grew up with, often an elder we have known for decades. Some of our other podcasts are recorded on the street, venturing out to the midnight wanderers, tapping into the opinions and knowledge of random strangers. Raw and risky with recorder in hand as we search for remnants of the American dream on the street below as life speeds by in a polished Tesla at an accelerated pace.

Episode 001 recorded on 8–5–2016 at Keyva Studio (JT’s office) in Encinitas




de las Carnitas

Collector of stories, researcher of social interactions, alien tourist.