Write for De Minimis

We want your stories!

Samuel Dunsiger
De Minimis


Who are we and why should you write for us?

De Minimis exists as a space for those rejected, overlooked or untold stories that are in need of a home. Think of us like a safety cushion — if you have a story stuck in the vast depths of your hard drive, waiting to be published, we want it! “De Minimis” is a Latin expression most commonly found in law, which ultimately translates to describe something seen as too trivial or minor to merit consideration. But, for us, nothing is too trivial.

So what are we looking for?

Well, naturally, we want your rejected stories — those pieces that you’re proud of but may have been overlooked by your dream publication. We’re good with being your last resort.

In keeping with “De Minimis,” the more trivial your piece is the better. We like showcasing those random stories that we believe still hold merit. But…nothing too trivial. We won’t run a piece about brushing your teeth. But if you have something random to say that generates human interest, we’d be interested in that.

What else don’t we want?

Because of what this publication is all about, we (of course) don’t want anything that’s been published elsewhere, which sort of goes…



Samuel Dunsiger
De Minimis

Freelance writer, storyteller and educator. Disability and accessibility advocate. Amateur teller of jokes and comedy writer. Strongly dislikes produce bags.