OpSec - Criminal Safety Advice Adapted For the Everyday Citizen

Dead Drop
10 min readMay 12, 2024



Hey everyone,

Thank you for taking an interest in my publication. If you have followed my previous work on “The Sleuth Sheet” publication or are completely unfamiliar with it, I would appreciate it if you could stick around. This is the premier introduction to my new publication, “Dead Drop,” which will be focused on the interwoven threads of criminality, intelligence, and the underworld to educate you as best as possible.


  • What Is OpSec?
  • Why Is It Necessary?
  • Caution

What Is OpSec

OpSec is an abbreviation for Operational Security, a term derived from the military used for procedural security. It originated to describe initiatives or steps to prevent adversaries from obtaining data related to critical operations. This is an analytical process that classifies information assets and determines the control required to provide these assets.

Operational Security, primarily utilized by the military, has been adopted by mainstream privacy advocates as part of their everyday routine. Hackers on the DarkNet were perhaps the first ones to maximize the efficiency of OpSec and learn from failures.

Why Is It Necessary?

Moreover, as an everyday citizen, you probably wonder at this point what terminology derived from military usage has to do with my everyday routine. Well, to get you to understand better why you should take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe, first, I need you to comprehend that you, as the everyday citizen, are a never-ending target for both sides of the spectrum: governments and criminals alike view you as their most valuable asset in terms of information gathering. Remember, we live in an era where data is king and every interaction is interconnected, and that can be siphoned, sold, and weaponized against you, the common man or woman, not even aware of the perils and pitfalls they may mistakingly be placing themselves within.

Here are some simple methods to protect yourself without utilizing a complicated guide from the DarkNet that is not meant for everyday citizens. You can also use the criminal’s perspective to your advantage.

What is the criminal perspective?

At its core, being a criminal is not about breaking the law; it’s a state of mind. It’s about having the audacity to challenge societal norms, the cunning to exploit vulnerabilities, and the adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity. — VEEXH

Things You Should Already Know

  • Use strong passwords with letters, numbers, and symbols with at least 15–20 characters minimum.
  • Avoid writing down passwords in your house or storing them online in insecure ways, such as a random text file.
  • Keep your webcam covered at all times when not in use.
  • You can use a mic lock for your PC and Phone when not in use, especially during late hours.
  • Don’t overshare private details with strangers or anyone; the less you share, the better protected you are.

With this in mind, the number one way in which the everyday citizen is targeted is via their mobile devices; these tiny devices are almost always in our possession; it’s how we stay connected with friends and family members and perform a myriad of everyday tasks, this helpful device is also how you’re the most targeted by adversaries. So here’s the first step to better mobile security. Get rid of your expensive interconnected phone and smart watch, and no complaints. I know you love your iPhone with its fantastic camera, but it’s time to disconnect from your smartphone and get a non-smartphone; why a non-smartphone? To limit your data from being harvested on a routine basis, you must stop oversharing; the world doesn’t need to know every minute detail; disconnect and focus on the world around you.

Alternatively, if you want to keep your Android phone, sorry iOS users, Apple doesn’t allow jailbreaking of their devices unless you’re willing to risk the security of your device, so these two privacy-centered OS won’t normally work on Apple devices. I would only advise the everyday citizen to go around jailbreaking their device if they were already familiar with those techniques.

To aid with your non-smart phone, also invest in SLNT.

Laptop/PC Setup

The first step is to remove all bloatware from your device. You can do this by downloading and following the instructions from these websites, one for Windows and the other for MacOS.

In like manner, when discussing hardening a system, I refer to taking necessary steps to enhance its security. This can include applying security patches, updating software, and configuring security settings. This process is not complicated to implement, even for the ordinary everyday individual. Take your time; don’t try to complete all of these steps at once. It’s better to do it over a period of time so you don’t make mistakes.

Take advantage of having anti-malware software on your PC for added protection. Malwarebytes is good, almost too good. It can become annoying sometimes, but it is highly recommended that you utilize their services.

It’s a good idea to encrypt all the data on your PC using Veracrypt. With this tool, you can add an extra layer of security that only causes a slight delay when opening encrypted partitions without affecting performance during regular use. While this delay might be acceptable to the data owner, it can make it much more difficult for attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Likewise, now that your files are encrypted, it is time to encrypt your internet traffic. This can be done using everyone’s favorite tool, a VPN, in conjunction with your DNS server. The only VPN you use is MullvadVPN. They’re adept at privacy and have been known to deny law enforcement access to your information. You can also pay for their services using Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency. After downloading Mullvad VPN, visit NextDNS, sign up for an account, and follow the setup instructions. You can utilize their DNS services within MullvadVPN by editing the VPN settings and adding a DNS server.

Ideally, the next step is downloading Mullvad Browser to use in conjunction with their VPN for enhanced security. If you don’t want to use their browser for lack of convenience, then utilize Brave, but you should not use Google Chrome. If you have Brave and want to be more secure, download PrivacyBadger, UBlockOrigin, NoScript and Intezer Analyze extensions.

For individuals who love cryptocurrency, follow this guide to maximize your OpSec and secure funds.

Use IronVest to ensure the safety of your non-crypto funds against daily targeted transactions. IronVest utilizes bank-grade security measures and biometric fraud prevention to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts and personal data.

The aim is to minimize your digital presence and safeguard yourself against ADINT (Ad Intelligence). While you may be familiar with OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), ADINT is a more invasive technique used by both corporations and governments to track you without your knowledge.

Email and Notes

Equally crucial for everyday use is having an email provider you can trust and one where security is not an afterthought. Everyday citizens might be familiar with Protonmail. While I like them, I suggest going with MailFence for enhanced privacy and security.

Home and Family Protection

Open-source router Firmware provides a better alternative to proprietary software. Enjoy increased security, improved speed, and flexibility in network configuration utilizing pfSense.

In the era of IoT(Internet of Things), you may want all of your devices to be interconnected for ease of control and monitoring. Still, this unintended laziness comes with a considerable cost because you’re putting your home and family at risk. There’s no need for every aspect of your home to be connected to the internet. You don’t need smart devices to add a luxurious feel to your home, and if any parents of small children are reading this, you won’t want to expose your children to unwanted attention. Please research before purchasing smart devices, find out what data is collected, and ensure that your smart devices are only connected to your Wi-Fi network, especially after buying and installing pfSense.

For home security, it’s best to invest in wired outdoor security cameras; wireless ones are too susceptible to tampering via external forces. I suggest Lorex for wired security cameras

Besides having alarm permitters and internal security measures, the best investment for security is a dog, an exceptionally loyal breed, such as a German shepherd or a Doberman. These dog breeds are easy to train and can quickly bond with family. Caring for a dog might be expensive, but the investment is worth it.

Loyalty is their number one policy

In like manner, this next part is crucial, especially for individuals who live outside of the United States. Remember the criminal perspective; remember that using a weapon is always the best defense regarding home and personal safety, and these guides will show how you can do that. The age of technology most certainly came with the price of enhanced surveillance, but this rapid innovation also allows for international security bypasses in defense for the greater good.

Despite all of the OpSec steps you can take, the number one thing that takes a lot of work to avoid giving your data to is your car. Car manufacturers collect an intense amount of data for various unknown purposes. I wish there were a much more efficient way to stop this mass data collection, but now, the best thing you can do is downgrade to a non-computerized vehicle. That’s not ideal, so here is some information to help you.


It’s important to note that while implementing these OpSec measures can significantly improve your security, it’s not the ultimate solution to protect you from adversaries. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and aware of potential threats, as well as keep up-to-date with the latest security practices and technologies. By taking a proactive approach to your online and physical security, you can help safeguard your personal information and stay protected in today’s connected world.



Dead Drop

All Source Intelligence Analyst. #Underworld