Bohdan Lvov and citizenship of the Russian Federation (continued and updated)

Olya Panchenko
Dead Lawyers Society
2 min readSep 26, 2022
Bohdan Lvov and citizenship of the Russian Federation

Today we have two pieces of news on the subject.

  1. At ten o’clock in the morning, Supreme Court judge Bohdan Lvov published on FB a video where he called the application for passport renewal a fake. He says the form he allegedly filled out and signed was approved only half a year after he had signed it. “It’s like paying today with a card that the bank will issue only six months later,” he says.
  2. Immediately after that, the judge of the court chamber in civil cases of the Supreme Court Viktor Prorok announced on his FB that he had appealed to the head of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Kniazev with a request to convene the Plenum of the Supreme Council regarding the situation with the Russian passport of Bohdan Lvov.

“If the Honorable Vsevolod Serhiyovych does not agree to bring the relevant issue to the consideration of the Supreme Court Plenum, I will initiate the collection of signatures of Supreme Court judges to convene the Supreme Court Plenum for the purpose of consideration of this issue,” Viktor writes.

We remind you that last Monday, the judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Olena Kibenko started collecting signatures for the holding of a meeting of the Commercial Cassation Court of the Supreme Court of Ukraine for the early resignation of judge Lvov. The meeting was supposed to take place today at 10 am.

And here is the expected third piece of news about Bohdan Lvov for today: the FB post of Supreme Judge Olena Kibenko.

“Friends, as you know, on September 19, 2022, an initiative group of Commercial Cassation Court judges announced a collection of signatures for holding a meeting to resolve the issue of the early termination of the powers of the head of the CCC Bohdan Lvov. As of today, 13 judges supported our appeal. Therefore, the meeting did not take place today. However, we also know that the CCC judges of the CCC organized a parallel gathering of votes under an appeal with a similar demand. We will inform you further about our next steps.”

✍️ Dima Gadomsky

