Deluded Custodians April Challenge

December’s Winner & February’s judge, THE CREATIVITY DOCTOR, Presents this Month’s Challenge:

Ann James
Dead or Alive
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2024


“Seriously, you think I can’t get out of this straight jacket?”

From THE CREATIVITY DOCTOR’s post below:

Pick two random objects in your surroundings and consider how you might combine them to solve your problem.

The problem: Lucy Furr, bent on world domination, has decided I’ve been playing on Medium far too long. She wants my complete and undivided attention. A part of the problem is she has a bacterial infection from a walk in the field a couple of weeks ago. Pobrecita. Poor girl. She’s on antibiotics and staying mostly indoors until she’s well. Another problem: She’s not too terribly interested in wearing moccasins in the snow.

The February 3 snowstorm. The field behind our house is beautiful in snow.

The solution: Time. And antibiotics. She’s fine now. Back to being a street walker. We have no



Ann James
Dead or Alive

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.