Drat, Omnishambles Is Already Taken

Deluded Custodians April Entry

Ann James
Dead or Alive
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2024


A photo for Philip Ogley’s “uncough” collection. At this point in our walk, the air smelled bad.

THE PROBLEM: Carson City doesn’t smell too good. There are no California wildfires driving the air quality up to the 400’s. Now. And hopefully, it stays that way. According to AirNow.gov, the air quality today is 31 “GOOD. Enjoy your outdoor activities.”

BUTT, the path below the I-580 smells like diapers from new born babies and old farts, poopoo lagoon, the murky swampland, the fast food trash on the slope, all dust deviling into a wicked stench. The summer heat is going to make this unshaded, asphalt path unbearable.

The trailhead is across the street from the animal shelter.

Housing being built on Butti Way — walking distance to the sewer plant. A wonderful family outing.

Put up a bunch of ugly boxes
And Jesus people bought ’em



Ann James
Dead or Alive

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.