Family Dessert

Is it a book review, a short story, or a diatribe about how teachers don’t always know best?

Bob Merckel
Dead or Alive
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Family Meal, by Bryan Washington, sat in author’s lap
Family Meal, by Bryan Washington. Photo by author

Hey, you’re home early, how was it?

Y’know, the same old group, the same old gossip over the same old tapas, Dougie said. You should’ve come, Johnny. You wouldn’t have hated it.

Maybe, but I had work to get done and I’m really wrapped up in this. I held up the novel I’m reading.

Good? he asked. You want some of this wine I’m opening?

Sure, damp January’s over. Why not.

You’ve read him before, this Bryan Washington?

Yeah … he’s brilliant. One of Obama’s favorite writers, and really just a kid. Shows me an underside of Houston I never knew existed, even thought it sometimes takes place in neighborhoods I used to live in.

But more than 30 years ago.

Exactly. Makes me wonder if I’ve changed or the city has.

Both, no doubt, Doug says. Here you go.

Cheers, guapito.

I missed you at dinner, he says, snuggling in on the couch. Keep reading, you’re fine.



Bob Merckel
Dead or Alive

Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.