Follow These Five Simple Steps To Not Be a Horrible Human

Why are you asking for bad karma?

Bob Merckel
Dead or Alive
Published in
6 min readJul 8, 2023


Woman in crosswalk looking at phone, about to be killed or cause an accident
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash; edited by some grump in Canva

I was about a block and half from my flat the other day and, by force of habit, reached into my pocket to pull out my keys.

I still had a major thoroughfare to cross. I probably wouldn’t have made the light, and there were a good 30ish meters to my door. That’s 35ish yards for my non-metric family—but honestly, get with the program. It’s 2023 already.

Pulling out early, my keys that is, is a c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶q̶u̶i̶r̶k̶ habit I probably picked up living in New York, where we didn’t have time to dilly dally in front of the door in the middle of the night when the doormen were sleeping in the boiler room.

Why doesn’t everyone have their keys out ahead of time?

For the same reason people don’t have their money ready at the checkout line or they stand in front of an ATM, with a queue of patrons behind them, fumbling for their debit card.

I know as busy humans in this post-Covid world, we all have things on our mind.

I’ve been to the theater after we were let back into society, and it seems clear there are many of us who still think we’re in our living rooms.



Bob Merckel
Dead or Alive

Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.