#384 — DEAD OR ALIVE | Opinion | Future

If There’s an Apocalypse, Don’t Hide With the Elite

You can’t trust Billionaires.

Dead or Alive
Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2024


A picture of a luxurious underground bunker, complete with overstuffed sofas, throw pillows, a wooden floor and cozy rug. There’s a large television screen on the far wall and recessed lighting in the roof.
Image created in Starry Ai

If you were a billionaire with the ability to control humans via a machine/brain interface, would you do it?

Bunking out

I’ve been hearing about the billionaires bunkers. Have you? Reportedly, this is how they plan to survive the apocalypse — by sitting in the lap of luxury and waiting till it’s over.

These won’t be some worm filled hole in the ground, oh no my friend. These will be the best habitats money can buy.

No Hobbit hole can compete with these babies. Bomb proof plate steel, indoor gardens, bowling alleys, underground pools, artificial daylight. Food for months/years. These babies will have it all.

Some of our billionaire friends have already thought this through: they’re not planning to go it alone.



Dead or Alive

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: lacks@mail.com.