One Last Rendezvous (Az utolsó találka)

a breakup in verse

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Dead Poets Live
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2018


Edvard Munch: Separation

A poem by Zsuzsa A. Túri, translated by Joe Váradi.

One Last Rendezvous

On a park bench, lakeside bliss,
- I cannot go on like this …
Sluggish breeze, hanging low,
- But you said you loved me, though …
Street musician, tunes in C
- This is just as hard on me …
In the distance, children’s laughter,
- But she won’t love you, hereafter!
Curbside noises, dull and blue,
- I admit, I’m lonely, too …
Up above, a thunder’s roar
- You’ll leave her, you said before!
Soon the rain starts drizzlin’
- What about the children?
Water mixes with the dust
- You can’t leave me here to rust!
Umbrellas snap overhead
- I don’t like where this has led …
The sky now a pitch-dark sea
- What, then, will become of me?
All the good folks duck for cover
- Soon enough, you’ll find another …
Everything is soggy now
- How can you be such a slime?
Lightning flashes, vivid, sparkling,
- You should try to calm down, darling!
Where to find a covered nook
- I won’t let you off the hook!
Everything is dripping mud
- They are my own flesh and blood!
Windbreakers, soaking wet
- Haven’t you told her yet?
The crowds, they swarm and groan,
- Saw the texts on my phone.
Restlessness hangs in the air
- Then I’ll kill myself, I swear!
The man waves a taxi near
- Don’t you threaten me, my dear!



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
Dead Poets Live

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"