Q&A Monday: Courage

How do you cultivate courage?

David S.
Dead Poets Live


What does courage have to do with poetry?

What does air have to do with breathing?

It takes guts to create something and put it into the world.

Art is part skill and part talent, but mostly a willingness to be courageous, again and again and again.

What if people don’t like it? What if they don’t understand?

What if they reject me? What if my art jeapordizes my job?

Here’s the thing. . .

Someone will like it.

Someone will understand.

Someone will accept you.

Someone will trust your heart and see your vision.

Not everyone, but someone.

Photo by John Gibbons on Unsplash

The Courage that My Mother Had

Edna St. Vincent Millay

The courage that my mother had
Went with her, and is with her still:
Rock from New England quarried;
Now granite in a granite hill.

The golden brooch my mother wore
She left behind for me to wear;
I have no thing I treasure…

