Super power of Gen-0 NFTs

They are not just mere characters, but the completely special ones that every one would love to be the first to own them.

Dead Knight Metaverse
5 min readFeb 17, 2022


You have been following Dead Knight project for a month, haven’t you? Some of you even own an NFT from our giveaway in December. With the provided information, everyone might have already had an overall perspective of the game and how it will operate once released. However, there are still more questions about this project, and one we have received the most is why people should get an NFT early, before the game is released.

In a previous article, we introduced a collection of 9999 NFTs on sale prior to the game release, called Gen-0. For anyone who still don’t know, to join the world of Dead Knight and enjoy all of the features, you have to own an NFT and use it as your character. So, about the Gen-0, they are the special characters who make the first generation of the Dead Knight. They are also the limited NFTs sold by us. For this reason, we decide that Gen-0 NFTs should have many advantages compared to the later generations, though these might be balanced to maintain the equality for anyone, no matter when they join the game. Here are some of the benefits when having a Gen-0 NFT:

  • Faster leveling: at a certain time of every day, Gen-0 NFT will get a bonus of 20% more experience point farmed from mobs and bosses. However, this trait will not affect the bonus experience point for completing a quest or daily activities.
  • Bonus attribute stats: Each Gen-0 NFT will be automatically at the level 10 from the beginning, with 10 attribute points available for players to allocate depending on their class and play style. This does not sound much at the beginning. However, with the leveling becoming harder and harder later, every earned point has its own value.
  • Better equipment rarity at the start: While normal NFT characters are equipped with Common items and weapons at the beginning, the Gen-0 NFTs will be rewarded with chests to get the items with higher rarities, mostly Rare and Mythical. Ancient items can be owned right at the start, but the chance to get them is incredibly low.
  • Higher auto-reflection rate: So, this is one of the hidden stats of every character. Auto-reflection rate is a base mechanism of the game. You can understand it as the chance a character counters the enemy attack without having to wait for his turn. Gen-0 NFTs will have moderately higher auto-reflection rate than later-gen NFTs. This is a game changer in many situations since most of the counterattacks will be critical attacks.
  • Staking pool: This is an important feature and also a reason why player should own a Gen-0 NFT. Every Gen-0 Dead Knight is offered the chance to join the staking pool, meaning they can lock an amount of their DKM token for a while and earn the interest. The interest rate depends on the amount of locked DKM token and how long it is locked.
  • Recruitment: One of the most vital features of Dead Knight Metaverse. Gen-0 NFTs are special because they are the only on-sale generation released by us. The later generation can only be created by using “Recruitment” feature, using 2 Gen-0 NFT characters to make a new one.

Recruitment — the only way to create new generations

Fusion (combining two items to create a new one, with characteristics different from those of the original items) is actually not something unfamiliar with gamers. This mechanism is applied in numerous RPG games and considered something exciting, making players to invest in thousands of hours. In most cases, the players are unable to know if they will get trash or treasure, which makes the game more and more attractive. Eventually, RNG is a merciless monster, forcing our Gambler’s Fallacy to obey it unconditionally.

This feature will be applied in Dead Knight Metaverse. However, it is for a purpose that not everyone has thought of: Creating new NFT characters. Gen-0 NFT are unique for some reasons. First, they have many advantages that other generations do not have; second, this is the only generation released by us and third, they are the only that own the ability to create new NFTs.

To “recruit” new heroes, players must have both DK and DKM tokens and at least 2 available NFT characters. The maximum number of new NFTs a Gen-0 character can recruit is 7. It should be noted that unlike Fusion, Recruitment does not delete the original NFT characters.

Typical recruitment costs are shown in the table below.

Recruitment Count

It should be noted that these figures may change depending on the game’s economic balance. The recruitment process takes 48 hours. Players are unable to use these two heroes for other purposes during this cooldown period.

These are the advantages of a Gen-0 NFT and also the reason why you should own one before the game release. Generally, the cost for a Gen-0 NFT of Dead Knight Metaverse is a bit high because it deserves such value. That is all I want to share today. Thank you, and please don’t forget to follow us on all social channels to get the latest news related to the game because there are more to talk about in the future.

☠️🥷🏻 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 🥷🏻☠️
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Dead Knight Metaverse

A #Metaverse project on #Solana 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝟖-𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐍𝐅𝐓-𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 Website: