Storing Passwords in .NET Core

Eric Damtoft
DealerOn Dev
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2019


Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash

Dealing with passwords is a minefield of easy mistakes that could lead to a serious security vulnerability. In this post, we’ll first look at some mistakes to avoid, and then dive into some details of how you should store passwords. In general, the best path is to use a vetted, packaged identity solution such as ASP.NET Core Identity, or skip the need to store passwords altogether with OpenID Connect to support social media logins, but for the sake of this article we’ll assume that you have a compelling reason to build your own solution.

Down The Road Of Failures

Photo by Danis Lou on Unsplash

Before we build a system for securely storing passwords, we need to get familiar with the complex landscape we’re going to be journeying through. Most insecure applications are built that way because of a lack of understanding of the threats and risks. Before we get to the right way, we’ll explore some of the mistakes you can make and pitfalls to avoid.

Underestimating the Risk

For those of us not working at financial institutions, government contracts, or other high-sensitivity projects, you might find yourself asking “who would really want to steal a…

