有了 ChatGPT,英文履歷不再是你的求職障礙

Dean Lin
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2023


在上一篇文章中,我們已經透過 ChatGPT 產出一份亮眼的中文履歷;不過如果你想挑戰高薪與外商,那英文履歷可說是基本的敲門磚。

在過去我們可能會用「英文書寫能力不足、沒時間」等理由作爲藉口逃避;但有了 ChatGPT 後,這些問題便不再是你的藉口。

你所缺乏的,只剩下「Copy & Paste」的操作(不過理解並熟記 ChatGPT 產出的履歷還是基本功喔)。




▋ 讓 ChatGPT 扮演翻譯專家
▋ Google VS ChatGPT 的翻譯成果
▋ 讓自己的履歷更精簡有重點
▋ 結語:最重要的還是實際行動

▋ 讓 ChatGPT 扮演翻譯專家

這邊先跟大家分享一個筆者私藏的 Github 專案: Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

這份專案中分享了超多實用的 Prompt(提示),你可以利用裡面的 Prompt 讓 ChatGPT 扮演各個領域的專家。

這邊我們就讓他扮演翻譯專家「Act as an English Translator and Improver」,ChatGPT 會改進你輸入的文字,並用更好的方式呈現出來。

SETP 1:讓 ChatGPT 扮演翻譯專家

😀 :「
I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations. My first sentence is “幫我翻譯履歷”」

🤖 ChatGPT:「”Please assist me in translating my curriculum vitae.”」

SETP 2:分段貼上自己的履歷

😀 :「

  • 設計並實現點餐系統後端,成功減少了用戶等待時間達到 50%,從而提高了客戶滿意度。
  • 進行系統優化,將系統效能提升了 30%,減少了系統崩潰的次數。
  • 透過持續的性能優化和資料庫優化,成功將服務器負載能力提高了 50%,實現了平穩的用戶增長。
  • 協調前端開發人員,擔任跨部門溝通的橋樑,成功將前後端的溝通問題降低了 70%。
  • 設計和開發一個自動化測試框架,成功將測試時間縮短了 50%,減少了測試成本。
  • 帶領一個團隊完成一個新的點餐系統模塊,該模塊成果備受認可,大大提高了公司的產品質量。」

🤖 ChatGPT:「
Employed at ABC Corporation as a backend engineer from 2019 to present. My accomplishments include:

  • Designing and implementing the backend of a food ordering system which successfully reduced user wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Optimizing the system, resulting in a 30% performance improvement and a reduction in system crashes.
  • Utilizing ongoing performance and database optimizations to increase server capacity by 50%, achieving smooth user growth.
  • Coordinating with frontend developers as a bridge for interdepartmental communication, successfully reducing communication issues by 70%.
  • Designing and developing an automated testing framework which reduced testing time by 50% and lowered testing costs.
  • Leading a team to complete a new module for the food ordering system, which was highly recognized and significantly improved the quality of the company's products.」




▋ Google VS ChatGPT 的翻譯成果

有了 ChatGPT 翻譯的成果後,讓我們用老牌的 Google 翻譯來比對看看兩者的差異性。


Google 翻譯:「
ABC Company, Backend Engineer, 2019-present

  • Design and implement the backend of the ordering system, successfully reducing user waiting time by 50%, thereby increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Optimized the system, increased the system performance by 30%, and reduced the number of system crashes.
  • Through continuous performance optimization and database optimization, the server load capacity has been successfully increased by 50%, achieving stable user growth.
  • Coordinate front-end developers and serve as a bridge for cross-departmental communication, successfully reducing front-end and back-end communication problems by 70%.
  • Design and develop an automated testing framework, which successfully reduced testing time by 50% and reduced testing costs.
  • Led a team to complete a new ordering system module, which was well recognized and greatly improved the company's product quality.」

沒有比較沒有傷害,相信大家能從上面的翻譯感受到 Google 就是依照「字面」翻譯,所以給人的感覺更像是「陳述」;而 ChatGPT 翻譯則是帶有「語氣與氣場」,更能展現個人特質。


▋ 讓自己的履歷更精簡有重點

如果覺得翻譯出來的內容太長,也可以請 ChatGPT 幫我們縮短並呈現重點。

Make my resume more concise and to the point.

🤖 ChatGPT:「Here's a more concise version of your resume:

Backend Engineer, ABC Corporation, 2019 - present

  • Designed and implemented a food ordering system backend that reduced user wait times by 50% and increased customer satisfaction.
  • Optimized the system for a 30% performance improvement and reduced system crashes.
  • Increased server capacity by 50%, achieving smooth user growth.
  • Coordinated with frontend developers to reduce communication issues by 70%.
  • Developed an automated testing framework that reduced testing time and costs by 50%.
  • Led a team to complete a module that significantly improved product quality.

Overall, this version of your resume retains the key accomplishments while removing unnecessary wording, resulting in a more concise and focused presentation.」

▋ 結語:最重要的還是實際行動



也許有人會詢問為什麼不讓 ChatGPT 直接產一份英文履歷,然後再請他做優化。


考量到每個人的英文水平不同,請 ChatGPT 翻譯一份有水準的中文履歷對大家來說更為輕鬆。


想將 AI 導入自己的職場與生活嗎?歡迎報名筆者與商周集團合作的線上課程:「AI 高效簡報術|ChatGPT + Gamma 工作簡報


如果您想在 AI 的浪潮中站穩腳步,並在未來的職場競爭中佔據優勢,那麼筆者出版的新書絕對是您入門 AI 的第一步!

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▶︎ 如果你對工程師的職涯感到迷茫

1. 也許我在iT邦幫忙發表的系列文可以給你不一樣的觀點 💡
2. 也歡迎您到書局選購支持,透過豐富的案例來重新檢視自己的職涯


  1. 30 Best ChatGPT Prompts for a Winning Resume



Dean Lin

職涯中培育過多名工程師,🧰 目前在外商公司擔任 Software Specialist |✍️ 我專注寫 (1)最新技術 (2)團隊合作 (3)工程師職涯的文章,出版過 5 本專業書籍|👏🏻 如果對這些主題感興趣,歡迎點擊「Follow」來關注我~