Pets, Dogs

Avoid the Dachshund!

Four years later, the advice remains the same.

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
7 min readJul 26, 2024


Photo by Sarah ( animal photography ) on Unsplash

All of us love dogs, but none of us love all dogs. Or something like that. When I started writing on Medium in 2020, I wrote on politics but also wrote more than I do today on other topics. Because I am a dog lover, I occasionally wrote about dogs, including one named Hans.

Hans was a dachshund, and I loved him. But he was also a problem dog—nasty, smelly, destructive, and sadistic. Hans was a mini-dachshund who took pleasure in frightening children and adults alike. He barked louder than dogs six times his size and compensated for his size by showing his teeth.

When Hans was my dog, Goldendoodles did not exist, or, better said, were not yet known for the loveable, sane, safe, and non-shedding dogs they are today. And there weren’t many of them. Those that existed were accidents — the fruit of romantic encounters between Poodles and Golden Retrievers.

I am reprinting my 2020 article here because I find it amusing, whether justified or not. I’m not sure I would write something like this today, but maybe I should. I might be happier if I wrote less about politics and more about dogs.

My original piece may be found here.

Avoid the Dachshund!



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.