Did the “America First Caucus” Implode Before Launch?

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2021


Marjorie Taylor Greene disavows “leaks” of racist platform

Image of “Leaked” America First Caucus platform by J. Dean

On Friday, April 16, it looked like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) had surfaced again. Reports surfaced that she was organizing an “America First Caucus” or “AFC” with a white Surpremeist agenda. A seven-page manifesto outlining the group's goals had been published, circulated to the offices of other House Republicans, and a couple of reliable right-wingers were reported to be on board. Among them were Paul Gosar (AZ)and Louis Gohmert (TX). Representative Matt Gaetz (FL) also announced he was joining.

Then a firestorm broke out. Mainstream Republicans, including Minority Leader McCarthy, Minority Whip Liz Cheney, and even Freedom Caucus members, all expressed alarm. The manifesto, published as a “Policy Platform,” was unmistakably racist. If formally launched, the group would confirm every “fake” allegation leveled at the GOP and kill any chances of the party appealing to people of color.

News outlets were getting hold of the manifesto and analyzing it. But then Ms. Greene did something out of character. She distanced herself from the organizing effort, said reports of her launching the group was “fake news,” and characterized the manifesto as a draft that she had never read it.



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.