Politics, Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s “Historic” Trial

A sad spectacle for all of us

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2024


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Donald Trump is finally in a courtroom, finally facing accountability and, of course, not liking it. This is not the case most people hoped for, but it will have to be done. The trial will likely dominate headlines for six to eight weeks, absent the start of a world war.

In reflecting on the start of the trial, I quickly concluded it is more about America than about Donald Trump making a payment to kill a story about sex with a porn star. The case is about the fragility of democracy. One badly flawed man with a large ego who got caught may change the course of history. More simply put, Trump’s trial will impact the 2024 presidential election in many ways, probably for the worse.

As the trial begins, Trump has erupted in venom on his social media site. One of his true believers, Senate candidate Kari Lake, is predicting political violence and urging Trumpers to strap on a Glock. Trump himself appeared to fall asleep during jury selection. Perhaps he was dreaming about his followers again attacking the Capitol or something worse.

I wrote about my reaction to the start of the trial in my weekly column in Spy Community Media’s Eastern Shore newspapers. I conclude that the trial is, as Trump says, “election…



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.