Politics, 2024 Elections

Election 2024: Wild Ride Ahead

Surprises ahead, and it will get worse.

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2024


Screen capture from EBay.

Election Day 2024 is less than six months away. Nobody is saying, “We’ve seen it all,” because if we have learned anything from the last six months, it is to expect the unexpected this year.

No political pundits predicted that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. would run for president, drop his affiliation with the Democratic Party, and disclose that a worm ate part of his brain. Pundits now are analyzing which voters support Mr. Kennedy and whether his candidacy will hurt Trump or Biden more. A prominent Kennedy family member recently summed up RFK, Jr.’s contribution to American politics by calling him an a*shole.

Most of my friends who follow politics closely did not expect Joe Biden to seek a second term. Given his age, we figured, why would he want the stress? My contacts who disagreed were all people who had either worked with Biden in the Senate or during the Obama years or know him beyond what is written in the newspaper.

Biden’s decision created one of the biggest uncertainties of 2024 — whether he will stay healthy enough to campaign through election day. The president has also forced Democrats to shelve most of their concerns about his vice president. Although most Democrats will not…



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.