Is This a Photo of JD Vance Offering Hulk Hogan the Job of Secretary of Defense?
Of course not, but the Trump-Vance ticket is getting weirder by the minute.
JD Vance is the gift that keeps on giving. If I had a good mailing address to reach Donald Trump, I would write him a thank you note. It is one thing to listen to Trump spew out nonsense, ridicule of his opponents, attacks on democracy, and worse. It is another to see Trump’s newly anointed running mate offer Hulk Hogan the job of running the Department of Defense.
Anyone who can body slam Jesse “The Body” Ventura will be good at fighting the Russians or Chinese, right?
Of course, everyone knows that Vance has not offered Hulk Hogan anything. The photo accompanying this story is an edited version of a screenshot of the Hulkster chatting with Mr. Vance at the Republican convention. The shot was taken shortly after Hogan ripped off his shirt to reveal a Trump T-shirt while introducing Donald J. Trump in his speech accepting his party’s nomination for president. (The Hulkster’s speech was more interesting and, thankfully, much shorter, than Trump’s 92-minute masterpiece).
Given Vance’s performance on the campaign trail so far, we should all hope Trump consults extensively with Vance in choosing his cabinet…