Politics, Trump


Or is it an assault on truth and reason?

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2024


President Trump in happier days, White House photo via Wikimedia.

Are you watching coverage of Donald Trump’s hush money trial? I’m not, but I’m following what the ex-president has been saying. Despite the demands of running for president and preparing for another day in a Manhattan courthouse, Trump has found time to pound out dozens of social media posts. They may be found on his social media platform.

Fortunately for those sick of Trump, his postings require little analysis to confirm what they are, the excrement of a sick mind.

Trump posts on his trial

I may be missing something, but I am a part of America and have yet to feel assaulted by the Hush Money trial. I wonder if anyone else, including Trump’s loyal followers, agrees with Trump’s pronouncement.

Other Trump postings this week focus on the trial. They are the types of posting one would expect from a cornered rat (if rats were subject to criminal trials and could type). Here are three of them:

Screen Capture from Truth Social.



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.