Olympics, Breakdancing

Raygun at the Olympics

The video of the Australian breakdancer makes me laugh.

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2024


Screenshot of Raygun from Yahoo News.

Anyone who competes at the Olympics has my respect. But, as the 2024 Games ended last night, I had one image in mind — Raygun’s breakdance. I apologize to the other athletes who participated in the games.

Raygun is Rachel Gunn, a 36-year-old college professor. I apologize in advance to Ms. Gunn for being amused by her unusual dance.

If Raygun’s name is not familiar to you, you must not be on X or Facebook. Gunn competed in the first-ever Olympic breakdancing competition — and lost. Gunn danced and was not awarded a single point by the judges.

Raygun put on a spectacular display of “dancing” worthy of its own Saturday Night Live skit. She rolled around on the floor, stood on her head, and modeled one dance move after a hopping kangaroo.

The Paris Olympics called the breakdancing competition “Breaking.” When I watched Raygun, I broke out laughing.



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.