Politics, Democracy, Life

Reminders of How Fragile Our World Is

Earthquakes, AI, and, yes, Donald Trump

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Tyler Merbler via Wikimedia.

I am still haunted by the video of the container ship Dali smashing into the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Who would have thought the bridge could be destroyed so easily? With that memory in mind, I will now look down from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge every time I cross it and hope not to see any large ships, not that I could do anything about it. The tragedy in Baltimore is a reminder of how fragile our world is.

Last week, there was also an earthquake in New Jersey. Little damage was done, but what if the earthquake had been larger? I did not even know New Jersey and New York had earthquakes.

Washington, D.C., is also subject to earthquakes. I remember sitting in my downtown D.C. office in 2011 when the building began to shake. No damage was done to my building, but when I went home to McLean that evening, pieces of my chimney were lying in the yard.

There are dozens of other examples of how fragile our world is. Two of the most worrisome are climate change and social justice. If climate change is not addressed, our way of life, especially on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, could change dramatically for the worse. If social justice is not addressed, we will all understand what…



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.