RFK, Jr. Will Not Be Missed at the June Debate

What if the worm is still eating?

John Dean
Dean’s List


Screen capture from Berkeley News

If President Biden and Donald Trump debate on June 27, Robert Kennedy, Jr., will not be participating. Finally, we have something to be grateful for during this weird, stressful campaign season.

Biden and Trump were wise to work together (who saw that coming?) to exclude Kennedy. The conspiracy-loving Kennedy, whose campaign is based on nostalgia that would make his father sick, doesn’t belong on the stage. He has precious little sane to say.

The June debate will be a one-on-one affair without an audience. We’ll be watching to see how an 81-year president who sometimes looks and sounds frail does against a 77-year-old ex-president who appears to be descending into dementia or insanity.

If I were a moderator at the debate, I would ask both candidates to share their thoughts on the Battle of Gettysburg. I’d also ask Trump if it is true that he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand earlier in life.

The debate will be important. Either candidate's crash-and-burn could determine who wins the presidency in November. Both candidates seem confident they can do better than the other.

RFK, Jr. is only 70-years-old. Would he do better than both candidates? I don’t think so. And what if the brain worm, the one Mr. Kennedy says ate part of his brain before it died, is still alive? I am not a doctor, but could Kennedy still have a guest diner in his head? And what if Kennedy gets crazier as the worm continues to eat?

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John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.