Politics, News, 2024 Election

Should We Empathize with Melania? Or Is She Reaping What She Sowed?

Given who Trump is, no woman should vote for him

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2024


2017 DoD photo by Marianique Santos via Wikimedia.

My good friend Maria Grant noticed Melania Trump's absence from her husband's trial and campaign trail. In an editorial published May 6, Grant addresses the Melania phenomenon and asks whether we should empathize with her or whether she should have known what she was getting into when she married him in 2005.

How Melania reacts to the ex-president's host of legal difficulties tells us much about who Trump is and why he is not fit to return to the White House.

Grant's editorial is republished below and may be found as published in Spy Community Media's Talbot Spy and other papers here.

Should We Empathize with Melania? Or Is She Reaping What She Sowed?

I’ve been thinking about what it must be like to be Melania Trump these days. Just imagine day after day hearing about your husband’s tawdry affairs with a Playboy playmate and an adult film star. And then listening to the excruciating…



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.