Politics, 2024 Elections

The Republican Loyalty Pledge Is a Huge Problem for Mike Pence

Pence fumbles on his own one yard line

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2023


2016 Photo by Ali Shaker/VOA, pubic domain via Wikimedia

Pity poor Mike Pence. He lives with the memory of his former boss promising pardons to January 6 rioters that wanted to hang him. Now he is running for president, bolding proclaiming that Trump should never serve as president again but, when he was asked if he would support Trump if the defeated ex-president won the nomination, he could not give a consistent answer. He promised to “absolutely” support the Republican nominee. As of now, that would be Mr. Trump.

Fox News’ Sandra Smith and John Roberts asked Trump:

Mr. Vice President, your party has laid out the criteria for the debate stage and the debates are going to be very important as they always are. Those primary debates. And one of the requirements is that you vow to support whoever becomes the eventual nominee of your party. Have you considered that, and will you commit to that?

After looking stunned by the question, Pence responded:



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.