Tricolored Heron in breeding plumage by John Dean

This Bird Is Looking for Sex

It is Heron mating season

John Dean
Dean’s List
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2024


Does dressing for success work?

March is a special time for birders in Florida. Birds are in breeding plumage, colors are enhanced, and behaviors change. It is a special time if you love birds.

Earlier this week, I carefully placed my camera in my backpack and set off to find a bird — any bird — to photograph. When I encountered the tricolored Heron, I did not immediately identify it. Although I have been in Florida in March for several years, I had not yet seen, let alone photographed, a tricolored heron in breeding plumage. I did not know what this bird looked like in mating season.

I spent several minutes shooting the tricolor Heron. Then I packed up my Nikon Z7 with the 50–250 lens, thanked the bird, and rode my bicycle home.

It was a good day.

© 2024 John E. Dean, all rights reserved.



John Dean
Dean’s List

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.