Politics, Trump, 2024 Election
Trump Doesn’t Like Mark Cuban
In Trump’s own words . . .
I see a potential Saturday Night Live skit in this post, perhaps with Mark Cuban playing himself. But while Trump may be a joke, the possibility of his returning to the White House is not.
Anyone who gets on Trump’s wrong side is:
Stupid, low IQ, or dumb.
A loser or “MAJOR LOSER.”
Is not watched by Trump on TV. (Curiously, Trump seems to know who is and who is not on TV despite never watching losers).
Called Trump, usually repeatedly, asking for job or other favor, but was rebuffed by Trump.
If you have not already done so, please vote. It is time for Trump to exit the national stage.
© 2024 John E. Dean, except for Trump’s comment on Mark Cuban, which is exclusively the work of Donald J. Trump.