We Can’t Just ‘Move On’ from Jan. 6

Peter Faur
Dean’s List
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2021


Will we side with truth, reason, democracy, and the rule of law or authoritarianism and the exercise of raw power?

Representative Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas. (Photo by Gage Skidmore from Flickr)

There’s a reason the Jewish people tell us never to forget the Holocaust.

They know how swiftly poison can spread. Only twelve years passed between the passage of Germany’s first anti-Semitic law to the murder of the six-millionth Jew.

They know people often can’t see authoritarian regimes developing, and they know such regimes can be hard to topple once they’re established.

Most important, they know authoritarians have an easy path to power if most citizens simply ignore them and look the other way.

Now, on TV’s Meet the Press, comes Dan Crenshaw, a Republican from Congress. He’s urging America to join the majority of his party in moving on from the attempted insurrection of our nation on January 6. While we’re at it, we should simply walk away from Donald Trump’s claims that he won the 2020 presidential election. We should agree to disagree about what the election numbers demonstrated and the states, the electoral college, and Congress verified, that Joe Biden is the forty-sixth president of the United States.

In fairness, Crenshaw on January 6 did not side with the craziest of the crazies in his party. He never claimed outright that Trump…

