Dear A — Whateverland

Tina Overbury
Dear A
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2020

Dear A,

Morning you. I hope you slept okay and your thumbs are in tact.

I think I’m dreaming in colour these days.

Do you dream? That’s ridiculous, of course you do. But I mean, do you wake up with unknown beings and breath in your bed? My pillow is crowded lately, and as you know, I have a thing about smells. Ha… I suppose it’s better than sleeping alone, even if it’s only in my head.

I swear yesterday I woke up as my naked body was lifted out of an oil painting. My calves to my toes to the tips of my hair were dripping with paint as I broke through the edges of wherever-land. The flat sided pieces of the puzzle which hold the image together busted apart so I could move. It looked like I was being pulled out of earth, and the soil was water and air at the same time…

No, it wasn’t mist.

Don’t be funny. You.

I know… I can hear you You’re not that deep.

I’ll smack you later.

Seriously though, wherever I was, it had this thick quality like oil paint and I was all of it, at the same time coming out of it. I have no idea what it means, I just know I woke up feeling like I’d just crawled out of someone else’s insides. It was intimate like that. Fleshy kinda. And then bam… back to reality, and wherever I was: Whateverland — whoooooooooosh, vanished like I wasn’t supposed to see it. I had to fight to hold on to the colours.

Gahhhh… Sounds like a birth cliche.

Damn. See? You’re right — I’m not deep. I’m having rebirthing dreams and trying to make them sound profound.

Sometimes I wonder if Whateverland is where I catch up with you and not in these letters. Too bad I can’t remember what you said… Damn. Bam. just like that whatever you said is gone too.

K… well… I truly hope you’re well. I know you’re in some funky place of not making decisions right now. You really are a master of the we’ll see movement of men.

Just kidding.

No I’m not.


p.s. I love your thumbs. Just sayin… So maybe be kind to them because one day they might leave and then where would you be? Being a primate without an opposable thumb would probably suck. ;)



Tina Overbury
Dear A
Editor for

Story Artist with TinaOLife, Author Coaching with The Writer’s Adventure, Expressive Arts Therapy Student at Winnipeg's Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.