Can I tell dirty jokes at work?

Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Dear Dale:

I work in a factory. It’s a good place with a lot of good guys. Time goes slowly but we help it along by playing pranks and cracking jokes most of them dirty. Problem is we got a new coworker a woman and she seems nice enough but it kind of cramps our style. Like the other day. I was eating some peanuts and going to offer some to my buddy when I thought of a good one. I was going to ask him if he wanted to nibble on my nuts. He’d probably say no and I’d act all offended like aren’t my nuts good enough for you maybe even jump up on the table and pretend to teabag him but then I saw Laurie sitting there and figured I’d better not. Thought she might feel left out since she doesn’t have nuts. And it got me thinking. What with women doing jobs that used to be for men can I still tell dirty jokes at work or has that gone the way of the n word?


Holding back

Dear HB:

You sure can. A lot of guys think otherwise. That, in the presence of a woman, you have to restrain yourself. Swallow your farts and suppress your wit.

And, in the old days, it was like that. Men kept it together during dinner but, as soon as it was over, would retire to another room to smoke cigars, discuss the high price of hookers and release their gas.

And the women would do the same: lounge around the living room, complain about their husbands and gossip about the girls that weren’t there.

But, thanks to their quest for equality, feminists have put an end to all that. Now chicks can do dude things like box, drive trucks and scratch their ass in public and dudes can do chick things like cry, wear dresses and be bitchy for no reason and there’s no judgement whatsoever.

Fact is, like it or not, we’re moving towards a unisex world that combines the worst of both sexes: a world where everyone complains and no one cleans, everyone is catty and no one can cook, and everyone talks and no one listens.

And, although she’s probably too shy to say so, what your co-worker really wants is to be included in your horseplay, to be able to rub her crotch in the face of a passed-out co-worker, pretend to bang him from behind when he’s bent over or lift her butt in the middle of a meal and let one rip.

So next time you think of a good one, don’t hold back. Share your foul wit with all around — even Laurie. You’ll be glad you did. Because, although, for the sake of modesty, she may pretend to be offended, deep down she’s loving it. As she should. Because a good joke makes its own friends and true equality is the sharing of all experiences, no matter how disgusting. Hope this helps.



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Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:

Canadian but have lived in Japan for a long time so neither here nor there. Somewhere between.