Do dogs go to heaven?

Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Chetan Menaria on Unsplash

Deer Dale

My dog die. Mommy sais heaven. Will I die two?


Litle boy

Dear LB:

Of course you will. We all die. If you’re lucky, you’ll go peacefully, from a heart attack or stroke in your sleep.

(Personally, I want to go out on top. Of a supermodel.)

But most people aren’t so lucky. They die horrible painful deaths: in a fiery car crash, from the long slow grind of cancer or by being killed and eaten by wild animals.

(Talk about going back to nature.)

As for when… well, the moment you’re born, a clock starts ticking. Problem is, you can’t see it so no one knows how long they’ve got.

(Spoiler alert: it’s not as long as you think.)

Maybe your mom lied. Said you won’t die. Either that or gave you some cock and bull story about how only the old die.

(No one likes old people.)

But the truth is, it could be anytime. Today, tomorrow, ten years from now.

(So be careful crossing the street.)

As for your dog… it’s not in heaven. That’s just a fantasy folks tell themselves to avoid facing the truth.

Truth is, your dog is a rotting corpse a few feet below ground, its silent body slowly being eaten by worms. And someday, you will be too.

So get out there. Kiss a girl, steal a smaller kid’s lunch money or put a frog in your teacher’s pocket. You’ll be glad you did. Because life is short and the worst thing you can do with what little time you have on this planet is waste it worrying about death. That and drink light beer. Hope this helps.



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Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:

Canadian but have lived in Japan for a long time so neither here nor there. Somewhere between.