Should I commit to my sex doll?

Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2020
Photo by Daniel Clay on Unsplash

Dear Dale:

I have a sex doll I call Eleanor. She has a motor that enables her to move in ways I find quite arousing. As a result, we’ve gone at it pretty hard. To the point her skin is wearing thin.

I don’t mind. I’m not superficial. Everyone fades with time. But her battery is dangerously close to my privates. At first, I enjoyed it. The subtle throb of electricity was a stimulant. Later, as the danger increased, it added a thrill to our lovemaking that made it even more exciting.

Recently, however, the cover has become so thin I’m afraid each time will be our last and, much as I love her, I don’t want to be found dead molded to a piece of plastic. What’s worse, I think Eleanor senses my ambivalence and it deeply distresses me that she might think I’ve lost interest in her. Far from it. With every intimacy, my attachment deepens.

So much so I can’t live without her. So what should I do? Put a piece of tape over her privates and settle into a life of sexless companionship or keep on doing the deed till we both go out in a blaze of glory?


An extremely satisfied customer

Dear AESC:

Wow! That is the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard. You actually made me cry. Now, finally, I understand why women like love stories.

Well, that is a tough one. All I can say is, follow your heart. If you can’t live without her, then why do so? Living is overrated. A short happy life is much better than a long miserable one. Believe me, I know.

But the real issue, I think, is your fear of being found dead with her. My guess is you haven’t told your friends and family. The thought of them finding your charred and smoking corpse stuck to a blob of melted plastic embarrasses you. By why? If you really loved her, you’d be proud to go out that way.

I know some people see me as old-fashioned. Because of what I say about women. But I’m not. I’m all for this LGBTQ+ business. The more fucking the better. And as far as I’m concerned, sex doll owners are just the latest in a long line of deviants desperate to come out of the closet. So do it.

Tell your friends and family about her. Take her to events. Have her sit next to your mother. Make conversation with her and ask others to do the same. Dress her up for Christmas and exchange presents. Take her to weddings as your plus-one. Make out with her in front of everyone when you’re drunk. Get angry when other men grope her. Shower her with affection but argue from time to time to show you’re a normal couple.

You should also prepare them for the day you both go up in flames. Explain that you’ve made a life-long commitment to her and, although you can’t get married, it really is till death do you part.

It will be difficult at first. Some people will laugh at you. Others will think you’re crazy. But in the end, your love will win them over.

Proclaim it to the world. You’ll be glad you did. Hope this helps.



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Darrell Miller
Dear Dale:

Canadian but have lived in Japan for a long time so neither here nor there. Somewhere between.